What medication change would you make

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Reference no: EM133734969


A 51 year old man with type 2 diabetes, reports feeling irritable, diaphoretic, and weak around 10 AM several days per week. His meds are: Metformin (Glucophage) 1,000 mg BID, Glimepiride (Amaryl) 4 mg every AM, Insulin glargine (Lantus) 15 units at HS. If fasting blood sugar is 110, what medication change would you make?

Reference no: EM133734969

Questions Cloud

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Which outcome would the nurse expect from the intervention : While caring for a client with anorexia nervosa who is diagnosed with ineffective denial. Which outcome would the nurse expect from this intervention?
What other medication changes would you make : You counsel him on life style changes and order indomethacin to treat his gout. What other medication changes would you make?
Determine the cause of the dark urine and sore leg muscles : Now the client has noticed dark colored urine. Which laboratory tests would be the best to determine the cause of the dark urine and sore leg muscles?
What medication change would you make : A 51 year old man with type 2 diabetes reports feeling irritable diaphoretic and weak around 10 AM several days per week. What medication change would you make?
Which is in the teaching plan : When teaching a client with bipolar disorder and mania who has started to take valproic acid (Depakene), the nurse would include which is in the teaching plan?
Which classes of medications would you consider adding : Your 68 year old patient has a history of coronary artery disease with a history of a CABG. Which classes of medications would you consider adding?
Which finding indicates to the nurse that the client needs : Which finding indicates to the nurse that the client needs assistance to restore and maintain mental health?
Which percentile rank does the nurse recognize : Which percentile rank does the nurse recognize as a normal progression of growth and development for an infant who was previously in the 90th percentile?


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