What measures or steps to be taken by m-ceita

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM133563095

Case Study

Please read the case study carefully. It comprises the important topics covered in Module 2, related to concepts of health systems administration and management, describing the development of health system and the policy instruments and tools such as health resources and health indices and their roles. Examining the process of organising health programmes that meet specific and identified health-related needs within the health system by setting goals and selecting appropriate strategies, assessing and evaluating outcomes of interventions and mobilising internal and external resources. The theories and concepts of personnel management, understanding of human behaviour in the context of organisationalbehaviour. Provide the understanding group dynamics and skills in leadership for facilitating system and community actions.

In case study, you are provided with the information on the collaboration between the state's immunisation registry and the state's Regional Extension Centre (REC). These two entities have been working together to ensure providers can satisfy the public health requirements for Meaningful Use Stage 1.

In this case history Meaningful Use Stage 1 requires eligible providers to select one of two public health measures: syndromic surveillance reporting or immunisation reporting2, and test their ability to submit this data electronically from their EHR to their state public health department. Michigan Department of Community Health (MDCH) has set up a public health meaningful use website that serves as a "one-stop shop" for providers to register to test their ability to electronically submit data for any of the three public health measures to the appropriate system within MDCH.

?       Electronic lab reporting (ELR) is submitted to the Michigan Disease Surveillance System (MDSS); syndromic surveillance data is submitted to the Michigan Syndromic Surveillance System (MSSS).

?       Immunisation data is submitted to MCIR.

In detailed case study below, you are provided information on Michigan Care Improvement Registry (MCIR), About Michigan Centre for Effective Information Technology Adoption (M-CEITA), and a History of Collaboration.

Broadly based on showing how collaboration with health IT commission, MDCH, MCIR and M-CEITA, advanced the adoption of health information technologies throughout the state's health care system and created one-stop registration website, secured the website and worked together to educate vendors and providers, helped in building strong relationships with the vendor and provider communities  to ensuring the successful achievement of meaningful use stage 1.

Please read the case study carefully and answer the questions, based on your readings and knowledge gathered after reading module 2, units 1,2 and 3.

Hint: While answering the questions based on case history, be mindful about Strategic plan, Health resources, managing human resources, managing material resources, health programme objectives, programme implementation and programme evaluation.

Students must think on all the above hint questions, and accordingly provide the solutions.

About Michigan Care Improvement Registry (MCIR)

The Michigan Department of Community Health (MDCH) Division of Immunisation sponsors the Michigan Care Improvement Registry (MCIR). MCIR was created in 1998 as the Michigan Childhood Immunisation Registry to collect reliable immunization information and make it accessible to authorised users online. In 2006, because of the passage of Public Act 911, the Michigan Childhood Immunisation Registry was expanded to include adults and was renamed the Michigan Care Improvement Registry. MCIR benefits health care organisations, schools, licensed childcare programs, and Michigan's citizens by consolidating immunisation information from multiple providers. This reduces vaccine-preventable diseases, over-vaccination, and allows providers to see up-to-date patient immunisation history.

About Michigan Centre for Effective Information Technology Adoption (M-CEITA)

The mission of Michigan's Health Information Technology (IT) Regional Extension Centre (REC) (M-CEITA)Web Site Disclaimers is to provide education, outreach, and technical assistance to improve the quality and value of health care delivery in the state of Michigan and to assist in achieving meaningful use Stage 1. M-CEITA recognises providers often face challenges when integrating an Electronic Health Record (EHR) system into their practice. Most providers are not experts in system selection, clinical IT integration, or contract negotiation and need an ally to assist them in the achievement of meaningful use stage 1. M-CEITA offers the resources and expertise providers need to select an EHR, implement it efficiently, and attest for the EHR Incentive Program. The M-CEITA Program is facilitated by Altarum Institute, a non-profit health systems research and consulting company based in Ann Arbor, MI. M-CEITA is staffed regionally throughout Michigan, ensuring an understanding of and connection to local health care markets.

"We wanted to collaborate within the department [MDCH], so that providers don't need to go to three different places to test for the three measures. We wanted it to be convenient." -MCIR

A History of Collaboration

For a number of years, Michigan has had a health IT commission in place charged with facilitating and promoting the design, implementation, operation, and maintenance of an interoperable health care information infrastructure in the state as well as advance the adoption of health information technologies throughout the state's health care system. The health IT Commission has come to play a unique role in ensuring that all American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) funded health IT programs in Michigan are operating transparently and in the best interest of the public. Much of the work of the health IT Commission in 2011 has focused on calling for information from and providing feedback to the ARRA health IT initiatives in Michigan.

The health IT commission has monthly meetings that are open to the public, and had been following the progress of the HITECH Act for over a year before it was passed. The MDCH, MCIR and M-CEITA have both been involved in this commission and because of this prior collaboration, MCIR, MDCH, and M-CEITA were able to hit the ground running to address the public health meaningful use measures once the HITECH Act passed and once the final rule was published. The health IT commission has continued to work to ensure the same messages for public health reporting are included in the State Medicaid Health IT Plan (SMHP); M-CEITA and MiHIN's work on meaningful use; and MCIR's work on immunisation reporting.


1. what steps would be required to create "One-Stop Registration website"? Create outline of your thought process.

2. What measures or steps to be taken by M-CEITA and MCIR to educate vendors and providers?

3. What lesson you learned from the above case history?

4. What was the function of Michigan Childhood Immunization Registry (MCIR)?

5. What do you understand from the term syndromic surveillance?

Reference no: EM133563095

Questions Cloud

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What measures or steps to be taken by m-ceita : What measures or steps to be taken by M-CEITA and MCIR to educate vendors and providers? 3. What lesson you learned from the above case history
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