What measures could the chief implement

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Reference no: EM133317719


Compose a response to the following introduction and the questions listed below:

A case study relating to Chapter 8, The  Case of the Jocular Jurist, is located on page 208. Read the case study 

The Case of the Jocular Jurist

In early 2013, a part-time South Hackensack, New Jersey, municipal court judge held a unique part-time job-as a stand-up comedian on a major network's hidden-camera program. But the judge was told his part-time job-which is his primary source of income-conflicts with his judicial work and violates rules the state's judges are to follow. He pleaded his case to the state's supreme court.

One of the issues raised was whether or not the average person understands the difference between a character and an actor-as with movie actors, whether or not someone is seen as expressing their true selves or following a fictional script. A deputy attorney general argued that the judge's comedy program-which includes portraying racist and homophobic characters-may not know the judge is acting; in addition, the judge could meet defendants who are familiar with his comic routine and might not believe he is a serious judge. The state also argued that municipal court judges are the face of the judiciary for most citizens, and it is vital that such judges maintain the confidence of the public and the impartiality, dignity, and integrity of the court.99 (The outcome of this matter is provided in the Notes section.)

 answer the following:

  1. - What do you think? It is often said, judges must at all times "appear to do justice," should the judge be allowed to moonlight as a comedian on his own time?
  2. - Or, alternatively, do you agree with the state's arguments that judges are never actually "off-duty," and are thus obligated to avoid such activities?
  3. - What, if any, punishment do you believe would be appropriately meted out by the state bar association? 


Compose a response to the following introduction and the questions listed below:

A case study relating to Chapter 10, From Jail Redesign to Prison Redesign, is located on page 277. Read the case study From Jail Redesign to Prison Redesign

A corrections advisor and architect has been asked to assist a state in designing a new prison, as the current facilities are presently suffering from overcrowding and are falling into disrepair. Most are arranged in the traditional correctional layout: long horizontal corridors with bars in front of each cell. Problems with this design include poor sightlines for supervising officers, inability to monitor inmates effectively, and the potential for unwitnessed abuse. Legislators and corrections administrators want to address these shortcomings in the new facility by building off of currently popular ideas regarding the design of county jails, namely direct supervision jails and community jails. Benefits of a nontraditional design for prisons include community building, better supervision capabilities by staff, and better spaces for treatment services.

 answer the following:

  1. -  Which of the three types of facility layouts, if any, discussed in Chapter 10 should be chosen for this prison? Would it depend on the type of institution (minimum vs. medium vs. maximum security  prison)? How will the type of jurisdiction that the facility will serve influence your decision?
  2. -  Are some types of layouts better suited to certain types of offenders? Which are those, and why are they uniquely beneficial for COs in those situations?
  3. -  What is it about community jails that could benefit prison inmates? How should this be incorporated into prison design?


Compose a response to the following introduction and the questions listed below:

 A case study relating to Chapter 12, Private Prisons in Context, is located on page 332. Read the case study Private Prisons in Context

While corrections has been a publicly run endeavor since its inception, it is not without its detractors. Proponents of private prisons say that they are an option that provides a cost-effective alternative for governments that are dealing with budget issues or overcrowding in their public facilities. Opponents of private prisons argue that there are lower standards for security and proper conduct, lack of safeguards in the event of an employee strike, and different procedures for inmate sanctions. Some states have flatly prohibited private prisons; others ban such facilities from "importing" prisoners from outside the jurisdiction, and many areas require very similar or identical standards to those of public facilities. A 2016 report from the U.S. DOJ illustrates that private prisons perform demonstrably poorer than public prisons, and indicates the department's intent to terminate for-profit prison contracts.

answer the following:

  1. - Do you agree or disagree with the Justice Department's decision to terminate for profit prison contracts? Why or why not?
  2. - What are the practical problems with closing private prisons? Given the possibility of overcrowding in public prisons when closing private ones, which is the "lesser evil"?


Compose a response to the following introduction and the questions listed below:

A case study relating to Chapter 13, Officer Nichols, is located on page 359. Read the case study Late one night Officer Nichols is involved in a massive, late-night drug bust of several residences, during which time she absentmindedly placed a bag of drugs on the hood of her car. Approximately an hour later when leaving for another call, she remembered that she had forgotten to mark and secure the bag of drugs from the previous call. She immediately returned to the scene and discovered the bag of drugs had apparently slid off the car hood and landed in a bush on the side of the road. In her report, she does not mention this disregard of evidentiary procedures. Later, at the preliminary hearing at which time the defense counsel asks Nichols if she ever left this piece of evidence unattended (and thus breaking the chain of custody), she testifies that she did not (she is quite certain that no one saw her leave the bag unattended, and knows that if she admits to her inattention to the evidence, the guilty party will go free).

answer the following:

  1. - Assume that someone did in fact make a videotape of the bag being left unattended and posted it on YouTube. What actions, if any, may be taken against her by the courts as a result of her testimony in trial? How might her lying bear on the case after the fact?
  2. - How should Nichols' department respond to this revelation and what potential discipline may be imposed? Could/should she later be charged with perjury?




Compose a response to the following introduction and the questions listed below:

 A case study relating to Chapter 15, is located on page 417. Read the case study

The chief of police in a small (20,000 population) city has seen nearly one-third of the agency's officers leave in the last year. Budget cuts, attrition, and better salaries in other regional agencies have been the impetus for the departures. Furthermore, the city council is proposing a 15 percent cut in the police budget for the coming year. Citizens are already complaining about delays in police responses and about having to drive to the police department to make complaints or to file reports. The county sheriff has offered in the local newspaper to consolidate with the agency, or at least provide backup for the city when needed, but the chief of police believes the sheriff to be power hungry and primarily motivated by a desire to absorb the city's police force into his agency. Severe cutbacks have already been made in the Drug Abuse and Resistance Education (DARE) and gang prevention programs, and other nonessential services have been terminated. A number of concerts, political rallies, and outdoor events-all of which typically involve a number of arrests-will be held soon during the summer months and require considerable overtime. Federal grants have run out.

One of the chief's staff suggests that the chief propose to the city council a drastic reduction in the city's parks, streets, or fire department budget, those monies being transferred to the police budget. The council, in turn, already wants to explore the possibility of hiring private security services for some events. Exacerbating the situation is the fact that violent crimes are increasing in the jurisdiction.

answer the following:

  1. - What measures could the chief implement or propose to the council to slow or eliminate the resignation of sworn personnel?
  2. - How might the chief obtain more revenues or, alternatively, realize some savings for the department?
  3. - Should the chief go public with the idea of reducing budgets in the parks or other city departments?
  4. - How should the chief deal with the local sheriff's offer for consolidation or assistance?

Reference no: EM133317719

Questions Cloud

Describe the policy problem issues global health policy : Should describe the policy problem(s)/issue(s) the global health policy is meant to address, why it is important and why it requires global attention.
How is terrorism defined : How is terrorism defined, and what are the differences between international and domestic terrorism give examples with reference
How to write a log to track your feelings : How to write a log to track your feelings. At periodic intervals (e.g., every hour), record words and phrases that best describe how you are feeling
Discuss this case by considering things : Discuss this case by considering things like (you are not limited to): should the police have given Miranda earlier than when Detective Sepulveda did
What measures could the chief implement : What do you think? It is often said, judges must at all times "appear to do justice," should the judge be allowed to moonlight as a comedian on his own time
Review a health system community benefit report : Based on readings and your own research, briefly define and analyze Community Benefit", differentiating between federal and state requirements.
How could you reduce participant bias in research : How could you reduce participant bias in research? Can it be accounted for to better understand the influence of expectations?
How much social capital do you believe : What is social capital and how much social capital do you believe you have accumulated and Why is it important that we understand what is going on biologically
Compare and contrast the concepts of fluency and familiarity : Compare and contrast the concepts of fluency and familiarity, and explain their role in the context of studying and learning.


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