What means did russia attempt to modernize

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM131265606

Question 1. The Indian National Congress did all of the following except

a. Support self-rule

b. Provide a forum for educated Indians to express their discount with colonial officials
c. Promote social reforms
d. Uncritically support British rule
e. The Congress did all of the above

Question 2. The Berlin Conference

a. Allowed Europeans to colonize territories in Africa as long as they notified other European powers of their intentions
b. Established free African States in which European powers could not intervene
c. Established a German led multi-national protectorate over Africa
d. Allowed Germany to gain control of South Africa
e. None of the above

Question 3. The building of railroads in India

a. Established a better communication system
b. Had military applications
c. Increased the efficiency of trade
d. Allowed drought relief efforts to succeed
e. All of the above

Question 4. By what means did Russia attempt to modernize?

a. By eventually liberating the serfs to provide a pool of laborers

b. By establishing state tariffs on imported goods

c. By increasing the mining of Russia's natural resources
d. By state subsidies
e. All of the above were ways in which Russia attempted to modernize

Question 5. Social Darwinists argued all of the following except

a. Evolution is the story of survival of the fittest
b. Darwin's theory cannot be used to understand race
c. Proposed that some races are more evolved than others
d. Competition is essential
e. "White" Europeans were superior to other groups

Question 6. The Great Game

a. Was a famous soccer match between teams from Britain and India
b. Refers to competition between Russia and England for India
c. Refers to game hunting expeditions organized by elite British to hunt Asian elephants
d. Is the term to describe French competition with Britain for India
e. Refers to China's diplomatic activities with Britain


Question 7. The Mughal Empire began when its founder invaded India in order to

a. Control trade routes
b. Establish Sufi control over the region
c. Defeat the Safavids
d. Gain the resources he needed to campaign in Central Asia
e. None of the above

Question 8. In Austria, the government stayed in power in 1849 by

a. Maintaining the support and loyalty of the army

b. Using a divide and rule policy
c. Using secret police and mass arrests to infiltrate and quell revolutionaries
d. Censoring publications.
e. All of the above

Question 9. The ruling dynasty of Austria that we learned about in these chapters, which was of German origin, was called the _______ _____ _______.

Question 10. Karl Marx is considered one of the founders of _____________.

Question 11. In Britain, the ________ ______ ______ was passed in 1832; It granted the right to vote to lower income/property citizens.

Question 12. In the nineteenth century, European forces joined forces with the Ottoman Empire to fight the Russian Empire in the conflict known as the _____ _______.

Question 13. The Ausgleich of 1867 tranformed the Austrian Empire into the ________ ___________ of Austria-Hungary.

Question 14. The discovery of diamonds and gold in parts of Africa, led to a conflict between Afrikaners and the British that culmitated in the _________ ______ ____.

a. South African War
b. Crimean War
c. invasion of Ethiopia
d. establishment of the Belgium Congo

Question 15. The Taiping Rebellion

a. Was led by a man claiming to be the brother of Jesus
b. Sought to establish communal wealth
c. demanded free education
d. all of the above
e. none of the above

Question 16. The philisophical/political ideology of __________ supported the view that there was little in the economic, social, and political life of Russia worth saving and the use of any subversion to bring down the Russian State were acceptable.

Question 17. Indian soldiers under British control were known as __________. Their revolt led to the final collapse of the Mughal Empire.

Question 18. Organized by Bismarck and Ferry, the ___________ ____________ established that Africa was open to colonization by Europeans as long as they signaled their intentions to claim "unclaimed" territory.

Question 19. The Self-Strengthening Movements

a. Was an attempt by the Qing elites to expand the military to attack British forces
b. Was an attempt to blend Chinese cultural traditions with western technology
c. Is the term used to describe the development of martial arts in China
d. Was a movement to develop Chinese technologies without western influence
e. Was a failed rebellion in Northern China

Question 20. In Egypt, by 1805 _______ _______ stood as the undisputed authority after restoring order in the region by order of the Ottoman Empire.

a. the British government
b. None of the above
c. Saad Zaghlul Pasha
d. Mehemed Ali
e. Khedive Tawfiq

Question 21. Tsar ____ __ ______ made an attempt to modernize Russia in the late seventeenth to eaarly eighteenth centuries.

a. Peter the Great
b. Alexander I
c. Nicholas II
d. Nicholas I

Question 22. The Treaty of Nanjing forced China to

a. allow Britain to manage their foreign affairs until 1943
b. cede the island of Hong Kong to Britain in perpetuity
c. open all closed ports to Britain
d. all of the above are provisions of the treaty

Question 23. The sale of opium in China, despite China's protests, would eventually lead to a series of wars between Britain and China known as the ______ _______.

a. Sino British Wars
b. Opium Wars
c. WW I
d. Napoleonic Wars

Reference no: EM131265606

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