Reference no: EM132924756
Question 1: Referring to the chapter on Consumer Behaviour, what marketing strategies would you use to help move consumers through stages two, three and four of the Consumer Decision Process for a boardgame. Please note: this question relates to ALL boardgames; not just the one you created for Assessment Task 2?
Which of Maslow's 5 motives are relevant to the specific boardgame you created for Assessment Task 2 and why? Rank each motive that you identify from ‘most relevant to ‘least relevant' and explain the reasons behind your answer.
Question 2
Referring to the textbook chapter on either "Digital" or "Social and Mobile" Marketing (depending on which edition you are using) provide a Digital Marketing Strategy for the specific boardgame you created for Assessment Task 2 based on the 4E Framework for Social Media.
Question 3
- Imagine that are the Marketing Manager for a chain of hairdressing salons and you learn about the following situation in one of your salons:
o A client turned up 30 minutes late for their one-hour appointment. They explained that they were late for reasons beyond their control (they were delayed by road works), and therefore insisted on receiving their haircut as soon as they arrived.
o However, it's early in the day and the 30-minute delay would have meant keeping every other customer waiting for 30 minutes in order to accommodate the late arrival.
o To try and avoid this, the customer's "usual" hairdresser suggested that the customer allow the salon's trainee hairdresser to cut their hair. However, the customer refused. The customer also argued that they had tried to call the salon to advise that they were running late, but their call kept going through to the salon's voicemail/answering machine.
• Referring specifically to the sections "Services Marketing differs from Product marketing" and "Evaluating service quality using well established Marketing metrics" from your prescribed textbook, what are the most important Services Marketing concepts impacting upon this situation? Explain your reasons why.
Other instructions
• This Assessment Task is to be taken under the following Test conditions:
o You cannot consult with your Course lecturer in relation to the three questions.
o The Test MUST be submitted before the Test completion time (e.g. June 20th at 11.59PM). In other words, whereas in Task 2 extensions and late penalties were an option, that is NOT the case with Task 3. The only exception is for those students that have a pre-approved extension based on medical grounds. The Test submission portal is set up to reject any Test submitted after the Test closes. If, for whatever reason, you have trouble submitting the Test via Moodle, please email it directly to Dr Vaughan Reimers.
• No executive summary, table of contents, introduction, conclusion etc. is necessary. Treat the three questions as you would treat an exam essay question, and just get down to answering the question.