Reference no: EM133808701
Case: A 36-year-old Hispanic woman presents to the OB clinic for her Week 24 check-up, gravida 2 para 1. Patient is a full-time homemaker. Pt states she is doing well but is worried about her weight gain. Obstetric history includes a normal spontaneous vaginal delivery (NSVD) 31/2 yrs ago with a viable 9 lb male infant after a 10-hour labor. No complications during pregnancy, delivery or postpartum period. She denies allergies to food, drugs or the environment. Current meds include Prenatal vitamins 1/day and Fe 90 mg/day. Family history significant only for diet- controlled DM in paternal grandfather and an aunt and obesity in both mother and father. Get Help Now!
Objective Info
Height 5'2" Wt 170 lbs; BMI 31.1; 140/84 (sitting); HR-92/min
HEENT: Normocephalic, no lumps/lesions
Neck: supple without adenopathy , no thyromegaly.
Lungs: Eupneic, CTA-bilaterally
CV: RRR, soft systolic murmur Grade II/VI, no rubs noted; 2+ peripheral pulses, no edema noted
Breast: Soft, fibrocystic changes bilaterally noted without masses, dimpling or discharge, no redness or inflammation noted. Breast self-exam reviewed
GU: Uterus at umbilicus-approximately 24 wks size and non-tender. FHT present with Doppler
Question 1: What other information do you need?
Question 2: What diagnostic tests would be appropriate for this pt?
Question 3: What are the risk factors for this patient?
Question 4: What other screenings are appropriate for this patient?
Question 5: What management treatment would be most effective for this patient?
Question 6: What are the possible maternal and newborn complications with this health problem?