What makes them stand out to you as a critical reader

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM131524783

In this Week's Discussion, you reviewed prewriting components of the research process and examined your own research process. Now you will put these concepts and insights in practice for this Week's Assignment.

To prepare for this Assignment:

· Choose one of the preselected journal articles in this week's Learning Resources.

· Applying the prewriting concepts from this week's readings, critically read the journal article, taking notes or engaging in any research methods that you would like to try.

The Assignment:

Select three related main points from the journal article (excluding the Abstract), and directly quote them.

In addition to the directly quoted main points, compose 1-2 sentences of rationale for each main point. Use these sentences to explain the reason you selected each point from the journal article. Consider the following questions in your rationale:

· Why are these three specific points the author's main ideas?

· What makes them stand out to you as a critical reader?

· How are these main points related to one another?

Reference no: EM131524783

Questions Cloud

Discussion on cash flows : One of the key concepts that was introduced in this Module is Business Risk.
Discuss issue of statistical power in non-parametric tests : Discuss the issue of statistical power in non-parametric tests (as compared to their parametric counterparts). Which type tends to be more powerful? Why?
Research a mine near where you live : Research a mine (active or abandoned) near where you live. Find at least one article on the mine.
Observed pattern of international competitive advantage : For EITHER the United Kingdom OR the United States, use Porter's National Diamond framework to explain the observed pattern of international competitive.
What makes them stand out to you as a critical reader : Why are these three specific points the author's main ideas - What makes them stand out to you as a critical reader and Applying the prewriting concepts
Darden four supply chains : What are the advantages of each of Darden's four supply chains? What are the complications of having four supply chains?
How the concepts of employment at will whistle blowing : In 1500 - 2100 words, discuss how the concepts of employment at will, whistle blowing and ethical frameworks.
Determining the ceos and presidents : You have been encouraged by a colleague to write an article about "CEOs and presidents" for a management journal.
Describe your overall reaction after attending the event : Visit a museum or gallery exhibition or attend a theater or musical performance.


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