What makes personal marketing work

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131697506

Unilever (Axe and Dove) (pp. 632-633)

1. What makes personal marketing work? Why are Dove and Axe so successful at developing their brand equity?

2. Discuss the effectiveness of the overall marketing campaigns including advertising, personal selling, promotion, events, and public relations strategies.

3. Is there a conflict of interest in the way Unilever markets to women and young men? Is it undoing all the good that might be done in the "Campaign for Real Beauty" by making women sex symbols in Axe ads? Discuss

4. Recommend next steps for Unilever with respect to their marketing and advertising strategies.

In formatting your case analysis, do not use the question-and-answer format; instead, use an essay format with subheadings.

Your APA-formatted case study should be a minimum of 600 words in length (not counting the title and reference pages).

You are required to use a minimum of three peer-reviewed, academic sources that are no more than 5 years old (one may be your textbook).

Attachment:- Uniliver Case Study.rar

Reference no: EM131697506

Questions Cloud

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What makes personal marketing work : Discuss the effectiveness of the overall marketing campaigns including advertising, personal selling, promotion, events, and public relations strategies.
Contribution to income from selling pound of hs at split-off : Sell at Split-Off or Process Further Bozo Inc. manufactures two products from a joint production process. The joint process costs $110,000 and yields 6,000.
What is the compounded annual rate of increase : What is the compounded annual rate of increase? What is the daily period rate at a standard conversion rate of 1 year = 360 days
What is the effect of the exercise of stock options : What is the effect of the exercise of stock options? Why is return on investment lower than return on equity? Describe the firm's dividend policy.
Corruption of ethical principles : Describe two classifications of healthcare technology and provide two examples of each. What corruption of ethical principles can occur with each technological?


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