What makes one leader transactional

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM1342093

Select two leaders (from the US or international) who you consider to be examples of transactional and transformational leadership. Conduct independent research on these individuals and create a profile that addresses the following:

- What makes one leader transactional and the other transformational?

- What added value does each bring to their organizations?

- What conditions and organizational contingencies influence whether a transactional or transformational leadership style would be most effective?

- Considering your answer above, compare the effectiveness of both leaders you profiled in their given environments. Was their leadership style appropriate?

Reference no: EM1342093

Questions Cloud

Prepare a leadership handbook : Prepare a leadership handbook - Develop your first section of the handbook that discusses one of the given topics.
What makes this person a servant leader : What makes this person a servant leader and Show the added value of a servant leader based upon your leader's profile.
Addresses if leaders are born or made : Addresses if leaders are born or made - complexity of those theories make it nearly impossible for any of us to assimilate all the variables and be capable of enacting the right behaviors in every situation.
Addresses if leaders should be judged : Should leaders be judged solely on their end achievements and Or, do the means they choose also reflect on their moral leadership qualities
What makes one leader transactional : What makes one leader transactional and the other transformational and What added value does each bring to their organizations?
Visionary leadership and cross-cultural leadership : Why do you characterize them as visionary and Analyze the added value of this visionary leader brings to the organization based upon your research.
Develop and assess leadership qualities : Leadership and related issues - the Six Domains of Leadership: a new model for developing and assessing leadership qualities
Blanchards situational leadership and positional power : How can you leverage your positional power to develop the other four points of power that Blanchard mentions
Leadership in the workplace : Manning suggests that while women tend to be hypercritical of themselves, men are often more confident of their abilities than they ought to be. Do you agree or disagree?


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