What makes managing relationships difficult

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM133316400

Case: Romantic relationships can provide you with love and stability and they can break your heart, but we all seem to need a certain amount of intimacy. We all find partners in a variety of ways: blind dates, online dating, at work or school, or even by chance. There are several stages of a relationship where we are building trust and growing closer, then there are stages that can sometimes lead to the end of a relationship if not addressed.

Focus on what we learned in this week's reading about the stages of relational development. Next, think about a current or previous relationship in your life (note: it doesn't have to just be romantic, it can be a friendship or family relationship). Choose two or three of the stages from the relational interaction model (initiating, experimenting, intensifying, etc., from Chapter 10) and describe the types of communication that you had in these stages of this particular relationship.

Are there any things you would like to change or do differently in your current relationship or in a future relationship at these same stages?

What have you learned about communication from the relationship that you discussed?

What makes managing relationships difficult?

In what ways does forgiveness improve relationships?

Reference no: EM133316400

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