What makes an ability a core competency

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM13227220

1-) What is the difference between a strength , competitive advantage and a sustainable competitive advantage?

2-) What makes an ability a core competency?

3-) Why is it necessary to perform an external and internal analysis before the firm can identify its true core competencies?

4-) Pick a company you are familiar with. Can you identify some of its core competencies?

5-) How is the idea of "strategic intent" defferent from the models of strategy that emphasize achieving a fit between the firm's strategies and its current Strengths,weaknesses,opportunities and threats ( SWOT ) ?

6-) Can a strategic intent be too ambitious?

Reference no: EM13227220

Questions Cloud

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What makes an ability a core competency : What is the difference between a strength , competitive advantage and a sustainable competitive advantage and what makes an ability a core competency
Compute the amount of solution : Calculate the amount of solution (g or mL) that contains each of the following amounts of solute. Express the answer to two sig fiugres and include the appropriate units.
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Compute the amount of solution : Calculate the amount of solution (g or mL) that contains each of the following amounts of solute. Express the answer to two sig fiugres and include the appropriate units.
What makes an ability a core competency : What is the difference between a strength , competitive advantage and a sustainable competitive advantage and what makes an ability a core competency


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