What lump sum should he deposit on the child''s 4th birthday

Assignment Help Econometrics
Reference no: EM13219899

A man wishes to set aside some money for his daughter's college education. His goal is to have a bank savings account containing an amount equivalent to $20,000 in today's dollars at the girl's 18th birthday. The estimated inflation rate is 8%. If the bank pays 6% compounded annually, what lump sum should he deposit on the child's 4th birthday?

Reference no: EM13219899

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What lump sum should he deposit on the child''s 4th birthday : A man wishes to set aside some money for his daughter's college education. His goal is to have a bank savings account containing an amount equivalent to $20,000 in today's dollars at the girl's 18th birthday. The estimated inflation rate is 8%.
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