Reference no: EM133753841
Assessment Form - Coaching / Mentoring Session Form
Recall what coaching experience that you have had in the past and assess yourself utilising the following questions.
Question 1. Describe the coaching experience
Question 2. What did YOU do that was effective (either as the coach or coachee)
Question 3. What could YOU have done that would have been even better?
Thinking about your current coach mentoring experience assess yourself against these two core skills.
Question 1. What questions might you want to try in a coach - mentor session?
Question 2. What can you do to enhance your questioning skills?
Question 3. What listening skills do you want to develop?
Question 4. What can you do to enhance your listening skills?
Reflecting on the self-assessment exercises review your personal objectives.
Think about the specific objectives that you want to get from this module (that complement or are in addition to the module learning outcomes) and write them below for your own reference.