Reference no: EM132344690
Assignment: Solve the given multiple choice questions:
1. What Linux command used TCP or UDP to read and write disk data across the network?
a. netcat
b. mkfs
c. ftk
d. nfs
2. What is the most common method forensic investigators use to acquire digital evidence?
a. creating a bit-stream disk-to-image file
b. creating a bit-stream disk-to-disk copy
c. creating a sparse data copy
d. creating an image data copy
3. Which DriveSpy command is used to restore an image of a partition?
4. Which LinkMASSter-2 option provides a quick non-DoD method of sanitizing a drive of all previously stored data?
a. WipeOut DoD
b. WipeOut fast
c. single capture
d. IQCopy
5. Which Linux command can make a disk-to-disk or disk-to-image copy?
a. netcat
b. dd
c. CopySect
d. SaveSect
6. Which feature of MASSter Solo-3 ensures data integrity?
a. Host protected area
b. Audit trail
c. Built-in write protection
d. CRC-32 hashing
7. Which of the following is a copy that an investigator makes of only part of a large set of data in which only the data pertinent to the investigation is included?
a. partial volume copy
b. file-to-image copy
c. shadow copy
d. sparse data copy
8. Which of the following is a data duplication software tool that provides access to remote drives through serial cables or TCP/IP?
a. IQCopy
b. DriveLook
c. DoDLook
d. RemoteCopy
9. Which of the following is a hardware tool acquires data from a laptop or desktop by imaging a suspect's hard drive through the computer's USB or Firewire ports?
a. Mount Image Pro
b. Drive SnapShot
c. LinkMASSter-2
d. SafeBack
10. Which tool converts data sets and volumes to system-managed storage, or returns data to a non-system-managed state?
a. DFSMSdss
c. SnapBack DatArrest
d. FTK Imager