What leadership style does mr davis exhibit

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM131486881


Unit II Case Study

Read the following article from Unit II's Required Reading (located in the Unit II Study Guide):

Lytle, T. (2015). Confronting conflict. HR Magazine, 60(6), 26-31.

After reading the article, analyze the scenarios provided below, and choose one to discuss in your case study paper. In your case study, be sure to address the following items:

Begin the discussion by identifying which of the scenarios you chose.

Include a brief statement that identifies your style of conflict management.

Use the information provided in this unit to develop a process to resolve the conflict. Describe how you would handle the workplace investigation for the chosen scenario.

As a result of a merger, the organization decided to decentralize its human resource management (HRM) functions and create area human resource (HR) generalists across the United States. One of their responsibilities is to handle all employee relations issues. You report directly to the senior vice president of HRM in the corporate headquarters in New York, and there is a dotted line reporting relationship to the vice president of field operations in your area, which is located in the Midwest. You just arrived at your new location for this position about six days ago.

Armed with the information you have learned in Units I and II and aided by your own experience and ability to research, please read the scenarios below, and select one for this assignment. Please answer the questions, and follow the guidelines presented.

Scenario #1:

It is Sunday evening, and you receive a phone call from an employee, Ellen, who lives several states away. However, she lives and works in your area of responsibility. Ellen is emotional and states that she can no longer tolerate her young coworker being sexually abused by the manager in their three-person office. She gives you the coworker's name and phone number, and she tells you that the young woman wants you to call her later that evening when her husband will be asleep. As requested, you call the coworker, Tammy, and she states that she is afraid of losing her job. Tammy is emotionally upset and says that she fears that if her husband knows about what the manager is doing, he will confront him at the office, and there may be violence. Tammy informs you that the manager has a violent temperament and is prone to explosive outbursts.

Based on your knowledge of employment law, conflict management, and investigation procedures, what would be the best way to handle this situation? For example, what laws are involved? Where do you start? Who do you notify? When do you start? What do you tell the coworker (Ellen) and the employee (Tammy) who made the complaint?

In this situation, you are the employee relations representative for the organization. What is your role in the investigative process? Describe the steps you will take to investigate this employee complaint.

Scenario #2:

While conducting HR audits in the offices throughout your area, the newly promoted area director catches up with you to see how his offices are doing, and he invites you to lunch. While at lunch, he confides in you that he feels very uncomfortable with a certain highly regarded branch manager because she is always touching him inappropriately, and she does this in private as well as in front of her staff and vendors. He has politely asked her in private to stop this flirtatious behavior, explaining that it was unprofessional and that it makes him uncomfortable. Her response was to laugh it off, and she told him he was just too uptight.

She is a top performer, and he does not want to lose her or fire her; however, he asks you to talk with her to reinforce his request to stop the behavior.

What is your response to the area director? Based on your knowledge of employment law, conflict management, and investigation procedures, what would be the best way to handle this situation? For example, what laws are involved? Where do you start?

In this situation, you are the employee relations representative for the organization. What is your role in the investigative process? Describe the steps you will take to investigate this employee complaint, and explain how you will resolve the conflict.

Scenario #3:

Your senior vice president (SVP) of HRM has received a complaint from two branch managers in your geographic area. They are separate but similar complaints concerning Robert, the SVP of Area Operations. Both managers say Robert touches them and other women in the office inappropriately by rubbing their shoulders; the managers also report that Robert makes remarks about their alluring attire and comments that he is in love with them for the great job they are doing. Knowing you are housed in the same area office with this SVP, your boss asks you if you can objectively investigate this complaint. You talk it over with your boss and know he will support your efforts, and you agree to do the investigation.

Almost as soon as you give your answer to your boss, you receive a phone call from the area SVP's wife, who somehow already knows you will be interviewing her husband for a harassment complaint. She is irate and states that the charges are ridiculous. She becomes belligerent and begins to degrade the female managers.

Based on your knowledge of employment law, conflict management, and investigation procedures, what would be the best way to handle this situation? For example, what laws are involved? Where do you start? Who do you notify? When do you start? What do you tell the area SVP's wife?

In this situation, you are the employee relations representative for the organization. What is your role in the investigative process? Describe the steps you take to investigate this employee complaint.

In your response to the scenario you have chosen, follow the guidelines below:

Be sure to include academic sources to support your positions/conclusions. You are required to use at least two outside sources beyond the required reading for this unit.

Be sure that your analysis is highly relevant, thorough, and remains on topic.

Accuracy should be strong, with close attention to detail in all parts of the assignment.

Writing should be clear and concise with solid sentence structure and should be free of grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors.

Your paper should be at least three pages in length.

All sources used must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations in APA format. Information about accessing the grading rubric for this assignment is provided below.

Unit III Essay

Imagine that you are a director of performance management. With this role in mind, briefly compare and contrast the traditional annual evaluation method of performance appraisals with the new real-time feedback coaching format. State which method you support, and explain why. How do you think Frederick W. Taylor would respond to the real-time feedback coaching system? Explain.

Be sure to follow the guidelines below.

Your paper should be at least three pages in length (not counting the title page and reference page). Writing should include proper grammar, sentence structure, and writing mechanics.

Organization should be logical, clear, and appropriate.

You should provide strong evidence of critical thinking.

Paragraphs should contain strong topic sentences.

The essay should begin with an introduction to the topic.

You should make use of logical transitions.

You must find at least two additional references in addition to any of the required readings that you use for a total of five references.

All sources used must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations in APA format.

Your paper should be formatted in accordance to APA format.

Information about accessing the grading rubric for this assignment is provided below.

Unit IV PowerPoint Presentation

Compensation Strategy for Knowledge Workers

To prepare for this assignment, review Waring's article about employee compensation, which is also listed in the required reading section of the Unit IV Study Guide. Note: both links contain the same information; only one needs to be reviewed.

Waring, D. (2013). How to design an employee compensation plan [SlideShare slides].

Waring, D. (2013). How to pay employees - The ultimate guide.

You are the director of compensation for a midsized organization. Prepare a PowerPoint presentation that justifies the implementation of a new compensation strategy that will support the motivational needs of knowledge workers and reinforce the real-time performance appraisal system that the organization has embraced. While your goal is to retain, motivate, and grow the current workforce of multi-generational knowledge workers, you must also justify to your senior management that this compensation strategy is competitive in the marketplace.

Your presentation should describe a compensation program for knowledge workers. The title of the knowledge worker's position is entirely up to you (e.g., sales executive I, systems engineer III, etc.). You may use various sources (including the lesson materials), but you must use at least one additional resource from the CSU Online Library. Include a reference slide, and cite any sources used in proper APA format. Your presentation should be a minimum of 12 slides in length-not counting the title and reference slides. You may also use the slide notes function to explain slide contents as necessary, but this is not required.

Be sure to address the questions below in your presentation.

What is the compensation strategy being proposed?

Did employees provide input?

Who else provided input?

What incentives are included in the plan? How will it motivate the employees? How will employees determine fairness of the pay structure?

Why do you believe the employees will be satisfied with this plan? Justify the compensation strategy that supports the motivational needs of knowledge workers.

What is your communication plan for rolling out the new program?

If you have never created a PowerPoint or need to brush up on your skills, click here to watch a how-to presentation created by the CSU Writing Center. To learn PowerPoint best practices, click here to watch another presentation created by the CSU Writing Center.

Unit V PowerPoint Presentation

Imagine that you have been tasked with creating a training and development program for midlevel business managers in an organization (you can use your actual organization or one that you create). A midlevel manager is defined as a manager of managers. You have to present your proposed training program to your supervisor. To do this, you must decide on a training model, conduct a needs analysis, write learning objectives, and create the content of the training. For your assignment, you will create a 12- to 14-slide presentation (not counting the title and reference slides) that includes specific information as outlined below.

The topic of the training can be any subject relevant to a midlevel manager that we covered in the course, such as how to deliver real-time coaching feedback, how to communicate unfavorable news to employees (e.g., compensation status changes), or how to communicate that a complaint has been made against an employee concerning harassment. If you are unsure that your topic is appropriate, contact your professor for approval.

Be sure to include the information below in your PowerPoint presentation.

Discuss your selected training process model, and describe why you recommend this model.

Explain the steps you would have taken to conduct a needs analysis.

State how this training links to the organizational objectives.

Provide a sample of two measurable course objectives (from input objectives through impact objectives).

Present one of the program's completed modules. For example, this should be one or two of the objectives that inform or engage the participants in an activity.

Be sure to cite any sources used in a reference slide with proper APA style. In addition, a minimum of one academic source that was not used in the Unit III Lesson or listed in required reading must be used, cited, and referenced. If you need assistance, the CSU library staff can help you with your research for this assignment. You may also use the slide notes function to explain slide contents as necessary, but this is not required.

Unit VII Case Study

Review the case study below, and answer the questions that are provided. Provide complete and detailed responses to each question. Your paper must be at least three pages in length.

The Closing and Relocation of a Call Center

In this case study, you are the regional human resource director for a Fortune 500 company. You receive an unexpected visit from your vice president of human resources (VP of HR), who informs you that there is a reorganization taking place within your company. He starts by explaining that the president of the company has decided to retire after 28 years, and the new president has decided to move the current headquarters from the Northeast to Texas. No business reason was provided. There will be almost 1,000 employees redeployed since the company has existed in the Northeast for more than 75 years. This information will be released to employees within the next week. The call center-with more than 500 employees, including your office that is located within it-will also be relocated to another southern state. All employees will be offered their current positions and a relocation package if they wish to move. Those who do not want to relocate will be given a severance package with outplacement services provided.

Mr. Davis, your VP of HR, is aware that you hired most of the individuals working in the call center and that you are very familiar with the culture and employee status. This news will be devastating to the employees because they have made this the most productive and efficient call center within this global corporation. Mr. Davis came to get your advice on how to best handle the communications plan for announcing this news in your region.

Mr. Davis has taken care of notifications to the state and federal government (i.e., the 60-day notice required according to the Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification [WARN] Act, which announces that the business is relocating and that employees will be redeployed). From previous experience, Mr. Davis shares with you that you will be contacted by the state to set up meetings so that the state may address all of the employees concerning the state benefits and services available to the employees.

Mr. Davis shares two important messages from the new president: (1) Although this news may be unsettling to many employees, business must be conducted in the same professional manner as always, with the least amount of disruption; and (2) whether the employees decide to relocate or not, while they are employed, they must maintain productivity levels, and their metrics will be monitored as usual.

Mr. Davis informs you that Mr. Woods, senior vice president (SVP) of the region, who is responsible for the call center, is being told of this reorganization via a conference call with his boss on the West Coast and the president of the company. Mr. Woods will be joining you and Mr. Davis to plan the communications shortly. Mr. Davis wants to get a head start on planning with you because he has a flight scheduled back to headquarters that afternoon.

You begin to outline a plan for the communications strategy; for example, you include information that will assist Mr. Woods in preparation for his meeting with his direct reports where he will deliver the news. Other questions you think about during the development of the outline are as follows: What information will Mr. Woods give to his direct reports this afternoon, and what will he give them to share with their managers and employees? Mr. Davis sees your outline, and he encourages you to develop your outline into a communication plan/plan of action and to continue to share it with Mr. Woods.

Before Mr. Davis leaves for the airport, he asks you to report back to him with any issues or difficulties you are experiencing with employees. Mr. Davis also asks that you report the following information to him: How many employees do you think will want to relocate? What do they want to know about the new location? What can he do to help answer these questions for the employees? What can he do to assist you with the communication plan or any activities you plan within the next 60-day period? Mr. Davis gives you all of his contact numbers and reminds you that he is available to you for questions and concerns at any time.

Analyze the information presented in this case study, present your communication plan, and answer the questions below. Your case study paper should be at least three pages in length and should follow APA guidelines.

Your communication plan should address the following questions:

What are your concerns? For example, how will you motivate the employees to stay throughout the 60 days if they have other job offers? How will you motivate all employees to maintain their productivity levels?

In the article "Semper Fidelis! A Recipe for Leading Others," which is part of your Required Reading for this unit, Aubrey Daniels describes how a person earns leadership status and explains the importance of positive reinforcement. How will your plan help you to establish yourself as a positive reinforcer?

What leadership style does Mr. Davis exhibit?

Propose at least three leadership theories that could be applied to this situation. How will these theories advance or affect employee motivation?

You are required to incorporate information from at least three sources in the required reading for the unit as well as two additional sources in your response. All sources used must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations and references. Your paper should be formatted in APA style to include a title page and reference page.

Reference no: EM131486881

Questions Cloud

How would rank the importance of each of the four principles : How do you believe they would be ordered in the context of the Christian biblical narrative? Refer to the lecture in your response.
Explain why some firms have high price-earnings ratios : Changes in shareholders; equity are determined by total earnings minus net payout to shareholders, but the change in shareholders; equity is not equal.
Mission and objectives of the project : What were the mission and objectives of the project? What were the high-level tasks or scope of the project?
What should the federal government do : What should the federal government do if it wants to keep output level stable
What leadership style does mr davis exhibit : What leadership style does Mr. Davis exhibit? What are your concerns? How will you motivate all employees to maintain their productivity levels?
Why might a firm trade at a price-to-book ratio p-b : Why might a firm trade at a price-to-book ratio (P/B) greater than 1.0?
Define each variable in the phillips curve relationship : ECONOMICS 305: INTERMEDIATE MACROECONOMICS PROBLEM SET. Define each variable in the Phillips Curve relationship
Concepts and export management strategies : Create an export-marketing plan utilizing the concepts and export management strategies studied in this course.
Compute the overhead variances for the year : Compute the overhead variances for the year: variable overhead cost variance, variable overhead efficiency variance, fixed overhead cost variance.


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