Reference no: EM133662799
What leadership is effective amidst a crisis?
Explore leadership within organizations, nations, communities during the pandemic (or similar uncertain scenario) and compare effective to non-effective leadership.
COVID-19 pandemic quickly becomes a humanitarian crisis of unimaginable proportion, forcing all leaders, organizations, and nations to rethink handling people and doing business. This uncertainty put leaders to the test on what leadership traits and skills could be of the essence to lead through the pandemic.
Nations, businesses, and communities coped to the best of their ability as they dealt with the lingering fear of the never-ending pandemic soon. Employees looked up to their organization leaders and were dissatisfied with their employers for closures, but the reality was that the governments mandated the businesses' closures to contain the spread of the virus.
Nations looked up to their leaders for answers, but in uncertain circumstances where there is no script of effective leadership, do skill set exist, or traits become applicable? Leaders were the captain of the ship during the pandemic, and they took on the responsibility and did their best to make timely decisions that, at times, did not go well with everyone.
Using the key concepts mentioned above and critical points listed below, What leadership is effective amidst a crisis?
Explore leadership within organizations, nations, communities during the pandemic (or similar uncertain scenario) and compare effective to non-effective leadership.
Key points to consider in completing your Discussion
1. Massive disruption in nations, businesses, and communities associated with COVID-19
2. Skills and traits essential for leaders during crisis
3. Effective leadership during uncertainty and the emergence of authentic leadership
4. Compare leadership and working with teams during a pandemic (uncertainty)
5. Leadership challenges and processes on how to address them to attain the end goal (path-goal)
6. Explore leadership during uncertain times concerning: Trait, skill, behavioral, and situational approach; path-goal and leader-member exchange theory; transformational, authentic, servant, adaptive, and inclusive; followership, gender, ethics, and team leadership.
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