Reference no: EM131838967
Illegal and Unethical Business Practices
This assignment will assess the competency. Demonstrate a fundamental knowledge of the legal environment in business.
It seems as if many times a year a business or organization is in the papers for violating the law, or some other ethical issue.
Using the article you found in the learning activity write a report answering the following questions based on your research and notes:
What law was violated or what ethical situation occurred in the article? Explain.
Who was responsible for this violation? What do you think was the underlying cause of this violation?
What was the outcome of this violation and how did it affect the stakeholders involved? What court did it go to if it went to court and what was the verdict?
Provide your report in a word document with standard formatting either single or double spaced in 12 point Times New Roman font. Use proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
Your report should be between 250 and 1000 words long, longer reports will be accepted so feel free to go over the minimum.