What kinds of sources should i be looking for

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Reference no: EM133518379

Homework: Social Science


The final project in this course will have you analyze how media representations of diversity shape our understanding of groups that we may not be familiar with. This homework will help you get started on the research you will need for your final project.

Begin by reviewing the Media Representations of Diversity homework instructions. This will provide you with an understanding of what kinds of resources you may need for the final project. For this homework, you will need at least 3 scholarly or credible sources, 2 of which must be scholarly sources from the UMGC Library. The third resource will be one of the required readings from this course.

Finding scholarly sources

For this part of the final project, you will use the UMGC library databases to locate two scholarly sources. You will also choose one other source from the required resources in this course, for a total of 3 sources.

What is a scholarly source? This resource from the Library provides an excellent overview of what makes a source scholarly: Identify Scholarly Journals. Is My Source Credible? will also help you in determining if you have chosen an appropriate source.

What kinds of sources should I be looking for? There are several ways to begin your research. Terms like "bias in Hollywood," "diversity in the movies," and "diversity in media" may be useful. You can also consider searching for the title of the movie, book, or TV series or episode you have chosen. If you are having trouble finding resources, please reach out to your professor or to the Library's Ask a Librarian service.

Submit a summary of each article using the attached worksheet. In your own words, identify the key findings of the article. Do not simply state what the article was about (e.g., "This article talks about cyberbullying"). What specific information did you learn from your source? (E.g., "Cyberbullying has become a popular means of abuse among teenagers, affecting about half of all young people.") The purpose of the key findings section is to demonstrate that you have read and understood each of your sources. Your key findings should be 200 words in length. Do not simply copy and paste the abstract or any other part of your source! This violates the university's Academic Integrity policy.

Reference no: EM133518379

Questions Cloud

Evaluate effectiveness of procedures in promoting equality : Examine the effectiveness of policies in ensuring legislative requirements are met Evaluate the effectiveness of procedures in promoting equality, diversity
Is there current research to support your interpretation : Interpret the relationship between secure attachment in infancy and later development. Is there current research to support your interpretation
Identify and explain the four systems that promote change : Identify and explain the four systems that promote change and the four systems that are the focus of change. What is your preferred focus of change
Give relevant and real-life examples : Define consciousness, its levels, and stages in your own words from your understanding. Give relevant and real-life examples
What kinds of sources should i be looking for : Identify Scholarly Journals. Is My Source Credible? Help you in determining if you have chosen. What kinds of sources should I be looking for?
Describe a business situation, apply a critical thinking : describe a business situation, apply a critical thinking framework to the situation, and recommend evidence-based solutions to the situation.
Caring for themselves and their feelings later in life : emotion needs met due to these challenges, often leading to skewed behaviors and difficulties in caring for themselves and their feelings later in life
Explain how each hero would approach the ethical dilemma : Explain the superhero's approach to ethics and why you feel it matches one of the traditional or contemporary ethical philosophies. Explain how each hero would
What do you think that means : What do you think that means and Which of the theorists discussed in online modules 1-3 were interested in emotions as creators of urges


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