What kinds of books do your remember liking

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM131834705

Assignment: My Life as a Reader

This assignment is a reflection about yourself as a reader. The length of this assignment should be 4 pages, typed and double-spaced. Please address all of the following questions in addition to any other reflections you would like to share.

Describe any memories you have about being read to as a child.

· Who read to you?

· Where did you get books?

· What kinds of books do your remember liking?

· Where and when were you read to?

· What feelings do you recall when you think about being read to?

· Did you have any favorite books? If so, why do you think those were your favorites?

Describe any memories you have about being taught to read.(reading aloud and silent reading)

· Can you remember the way you were taught to read?

· What kind of books did you read during reading instruction?

· How did you feel about those books?

· Do you have any outstanding memory about any particular reading teacher or reading class?

· When you look back, how would you describe yourself as a reader?

· What feelings do you recall when you think about learning to read?

Describe any memories you have about reading on your own during childhood.

· Did you crave books? Why or why not?

· What kind of books did you read on your own?

· What books were your favorite and why?

· Where and when did you like to read?

· What feelings do you recall about reading on your own?

Describe yourself as a reader today.

· What kinds of books do you read?

· When, where, and how often do you read?

· Do you engage with anyone in reading or talking about books?

· What feelings do you have about reading today?

Reference no: EM131834705

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