What kind of lasting effects do you think this victimization

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Reference no: EM133362572

Question: One of many issues in this unit is child abuse. We say we want to protect our children; however, we continue to fail them at times. Reflect on the readings and the effects of child abuse. Recall news stories that have reported abuse within your own community. rite a reflection paper that addresses the following questions. What are your thoughts on whether you could ever cure a pedophile? Does this mean that we should lock the child molesters and pedophiles up forever? Should convicted child molesters and pedophiles be required to inform all social partners of their crimes? What kind of lasting effects do you think this victimization would have on the child? In your opinion, how can victim impact statements affect the offender's sentencing?

Reference no: EM133362572

Questions Cloud

What is community policing : What is Community Policing? List and provide a brief description of a few community policing practices that are currently occurring in the community.
Explain the cycle of abuse and the role of power and control : Explain the cycle of abuse and the role of power and control in domestic violence. Incorporate at least one example of how these tools can be used in prevention
Identify the various types of elder abuse : identify the various types of elder abuse; explain one theory for the reason that elder abuse occurs; discuss the effects that the elder abuse has on the victim
Explain why domestic violence calls are so dangerous : Explain why domestic violence calls are so dangerous and identify the challenges investigators face when conducting their investigation into domestic violence.
What kind of lasting effects do you think this victimization : What kind of lasting effects do you think this victimization would have on the child? In your opinion, how can victim impact statements affect the offender
Explain gangs and gang membership : Which theory or theories do you identify with most that might explain gangs and gang membership? Why? What are the details in these that you think help
Discuss differences between culpability and strict liability : Discuss the differences between culpability and strict liability. Do you agree with the requirements for each? Should someone be less culpable of a crime
Why has this become an issue of national importance : Why has this become an issue of national importance more recently, and how does race/ethnicity influences both (1) the actual shooting of unarmed men
How do they assess myths, stereotypes, beliefs : How do they assess myths, stereotypes, beliefs? How do they influence how the crime is perceived compared to the elements of the crime?


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