Reference no: EM132122642
1. SR In response to "nmap -n -sn localhost": What kind of information did the nmap scan results show you, specifically?
2. FIB What does the "-sn" option do in nmap? ping scan -disable port scan
3. SR How does the "-sn" option differ in packets send by a root user when used on a local ethernet network vs a remote network? A small amount of research is required for this question.
4. SR What are the differences between the "nmap -n <hostIP>" and "nmap -n -sn <hostIP> scans"?
5. SR What is different with the "nmap -n -p 1-65535 localhost" command?
6. SR Explain the differences between the "nmap -n <hostIP>" and "nmap -n -sS <hostIP> scans".
7. ESS Explain the differences between the "nmap -n -O <hostIP>" and "nmap -n -A <hostIP>
8. MAT Match the nmap scan command to nap technique or action? -sS ,
-sT , -sA, -sW, -sM, -sU, -sN, -sF, -sX, -sI , -sY
, -sZ, -sO , -b
9. MAT Match nmap random options -O , -sC, -F, -r , -sV Scan ports consecutively , --top-ports, scan most common ports,
--port-ratio, Scan ports more common than ratio, Probe open ports
10. MAT Match the nmap host discovery options -sL List -sn Ping -Pn Skip host discovery -PS
TCP SYN -PA ACK -PU UDP -PY SCTP discovery -PE ICMP echo -PP timestamp -PM netmask request -PO IP Protocol Ping -n Never do DNS resolve -R Always do DNS resolve --system-dns
Use OS DNS resolver -traceroute Trace hop path to each host
11. MAT Match the nmap output options -oS Script kiddie-oG grepable --flist Print host interfaces and routes -oN normal -oX XML -oA All three major formats -d Decrease debugging level - open Show only open ports -v Increase verbosity
12. ESS What exactly is an nmap -sT scan? Explain & contrast to -sS in some detail.
13. ESS What is a SYN Stealth scan? Explain in some detail.
14. ESS Describe what a Bounce scan consists of, specifically.
15. ESS What does the "Use Decoy(s)" option do, exactly?
16. ESS Explain with some detail how NMap interprets & achieves O/S fingerprinting?
17. ESS Scan an open port on your target using a TCP Connect scan. Paste the scan results.
18. ESS Scan an open port on your target using a TCP FIN stealth scan. Paste the scan results.
19. ESS Scan an open port on your target using a TCP XMAS scan. Paste the scan results.
20. ESS Scan an open port on your target using a TCP Null scan. Paste the scan results.
21. ESS Scan a closed port on your target using a TCP Connect scan. Paste the scan results.
22. ESS Scan a closed port on your target using a TCP FIN stealth scan. Paste the scan results.
23. ESS Describe the packets sent to the target and received from the target on the closed port scan? Not a firewalled port
24. ESS Scan an open UDP port. Paste the scan results.
25. ESS Scan a closed UDP port. Paste the scan results.