What kind of improvement activities would you recommend

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM131212589


A system is tested in several stages for test results to be manageable. Testing is done in blocks to facilitate developers and users' review. This task is referred as system configuration management, which is a collection of system programs and modules delivered to the reviewers for results and feedback. Configuration management is a general technique to coordinate the testing process among developers and testers. During configuration management, it is important to control the system results and identify the differences between testing and design in order to monitor risk and minimize error. Techniques such as the Cleanroom testing stress precise planning and coordination within the team. Cleanroom can be expanded into running metrics and statistical calculations to measure testing accuracy and deviations.

Acceptance testing involves many activities that require users and developers to collaborate to schedule testing cycles, find errors, and sign off on test results. Additionally, there must be a quick turnaround between finding errors, determining the causes, and correcting them to allow testing to proceed within schedules.

Delivering a system requires more than migrating the system into production. SE goes through one more step of product evaluation before implementation. This is done based on the test results and process evaluations through the CMM, ISO, and other quality models. Also, prior to deployment, change management activities must be conducted to introduce the new system to the user community and operators. Full training and documentation must be disseminated to acquaint everyone with system functionality and capabilities. Ultimately, a post-mortem analysis is done to ensure quality and software reusability.

After the system is implemented, the project team reconvenes to perform maintenance as needed. This phase also requires similar skills to the ones used in software development. The maintenance team continually interacts with software engineers, developers, and users to determine post-implementation issues and unanticipated system faults.

Required Reading

For Module 4, read Conger's Chapter 17.

Conger, S. (2008). The New Software Engineer. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing Company [Global Text]. Retrieved from https://dl.dropbox.com/u/31779972/The%20New%20Software%20Engineering.pdf

Sommerville, I. (2011). Software Engineering. 9th ed. Boston, Massachusetts: Adison-Wesley. [Chapter 8: Software Testing PPT]

Sommerville, I. (2011). Software Engineering. 9th ed. Boston, Massachusetts: Adison-Wesley. [Chapter 24: Quality Management PPT]

Case Assignment

After reading the course materials, please write a 3- to 4-page paper answering the following.

Suppose that a post-mortem analysis reveals that a particular developer is responsible for the major system problems in production.

What kind of improvement activities would you recommend to ensure that these problems do not happen in future projects?

Cited References

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The paper is about how we need to modify our test strategies in order to make sure that once any issue is left in the system then it does not crop up again. The paper discusses the complete root cause analysis of how an issue can be left out and how it will seep into production. It centres on the improvement techniques that can be and should be followed to avoid any such error seeping in further down in the system. We need to out in that extra bit if testing effort just to ensure that no bug gets slipped in and affects the system at a later stage of production. The paper has been prepared in Microsoft office.

Reference no: EM131212589

Questions Cloud

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