Reference no: EM133206502 , Length: Word count: 3 Pages
Question 1: The light that we see from the Andromeda Galaxy left that galaxy about how long ago?
Question 2: Cosmic Microwaves Background Radiation and the Red Shift of Galaxies are evidence for what?
Question 3: The Universe is expanding. Are Galaxies moving or is the space between them expanding?
Question 4: What type of Galaxy do we live in?
Question 5: What kind of event forms Elliptical Galaxies?
Question 6: What is our Milky Way Galaxy currently eating?
Question 7: What is the escape velocity at the Event Horizon of a Black Hole?
Question 8: Can our Sun become a black hole?
Question 9: What happens to time near a black hole?
Question 10: What is a Planetesimal?
Question 11: What started the collapse of the Solar Nebula?
Question 12: Why is it better to make oxygen on Mars than bring it from Earth?
Question 13: The Moon may have formed when a small planet hit the Earth. What is this theory called?
Question 14: What can be found in deep craters near the Moon's poles? (It will be very useful to future Moon missions.)
Question 15: What force heats the interior of Enceladus?
Question 16: Why is Enceladus one of the best places in the Solar System to look for life?
Question 17: What are the two different types of comet tails called?
Question 18: According to the video, what might comet impacts have brought to the early Earth?
Question 19: How the DART mission will deflect the asteroid.
Question 20: How NASA will know whether it worked or not.