Reference no: EM131111948
Choose any country in the world that you are interested in studying as a potential destination for international business.
1. Assess the current economic performance and the competitiveness of this country.
2. Analyze the change in economic performance and competitiveness in the last 10 years or so. Include the following indicators:
GDP/capita (PPP) and GDP growth rate
Population, Inflation, Unemployment
FDI inflows, FDI potential index, FDI performance index
Country competitiveness index (overall and important dimensions)
3. Explain the institutional factors that most likely account for the current level of economic performance and competitiveness as well as for the change in the last 10 years. Explore the following questions:
What kind of economic system does this country employ? If it is a market economy - what model of capitalism does it employ?
How did the economic freedom change in this country in the last 10 years?
Which aspects of economic freedom mostly account for these changes?
How did corruption change in the last 10 years?
How did governance change in the last 10 years? Which governance indicators changed the most?
How did the pillars of country competitiveness changed in this period?
Suggested sources of information:
CIA World Factbook
Global Competitiveness Report
Index of Economic Freedom (IEF)
Corruption Perception Index (CPI).
Foreign Direct Investment Report (FDI).
Worldwide Governance Indicators
IMF Data & Statistics
OECD Statistics Portal
United Nations Statistics Division
Write a report summarizing your findings on the overall trends in the country with regard to the economic situation and institutional conditions (max. 3 pages, min. 11 point font, and 1.5 line spacing). Tables and diagrams can be put in an appendix.
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