What kind of approach would increase their motivation

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Reference no: EM133553226


Imagine a client is experiencing harmful effects because of alcohol use (missed classes, arguments with parents, friends, spouses, 8 hangovers, blackouts, etc.). What kind of approach would increase their motivation to make changes?

Using one of the following approaches; (solution-focused approach, motivational interviewing approach, or cognitive-behavioral approach). State the advantages and disadvantages of the approach you choose for the client.

Reference no: EM133553226

Questions Cloud

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What kind of approach would increase their motivation : What kind of approach would increase their motivation to make changes? State the advantages and disadvantages of the approach you choose for the client.
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How can one access the accuracy of someones memory : How can one access the accuracy of someone's memory? How difficult did you find the experiment to be? What do false memories tell us about our long-term memory?


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