What issues do you see from the employees perspective

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133618492

Homework: HR Challenge- Presentation to Leadership


I. Competency 1: Apply models of employee motivation, growth, and engagement in the workplace to create the employee experience.

1. Analyze the current employee engagement situation at CapraTek for the different generations.

II. Competency 2: Analyze the ways in which culture, employee, and leader behavior impact strategic retention.

1. Define the goals and the purpose of collecting engagement data from employees and managers.

III. Competency 3: Assess the influence of technology on engagement and retention outcomes.

1. Analyze the common process in the field for creating appropriate engagement survey questions and selecting the right survey tool.

IV. Competency 4: Design practices that impact the employee life cycle and generate positive employee and organizational outcomes.

1. Estimate the needed budget, time, and resources to implement an engagement research strategy for CapraTek including an overview of the implementation plan.

V. Competency 5: Communicate clearly, accurately, and professionally in the Human Resource Management field.

1. Convey purpose, in an appropriate tone and style, incorporating supporting evidence and adhering to organizational, professional, and scholarly writing standards.

Prepare 10 to 12 slides and slide notes that could be presented to the leadership team to explain the goals for an engagement study at CapraTek, the implementation details, and proposed plan to roll it out for all the generations in the workplace. Be sure to read the background for the CapraTek scenario in the interactive learning module for this homework.


Today's workplaces include employees from four different generations, and each generation has a different set of expectations of how they want to grow, work, and advance in the organization. While many aspects of individual personality have some impact on this, the bigger impacts tend to come from generational variations.

Millennials and generation Z have different expectations of how the organization and their leaders should engage and support them. The old adage of "It's your career and you have to run it" is both dated and inaccurate in the modern age. Most of today's organizations are led by a majority of generation X'ers with some boomers in the leadership or senior roles. In this homework you are asked to prepare a presentation that looks at employee engagement issues from a generational perspective and what the related resource expenditures would be.


The leadership team at CapraTek has agreed that a "pulse" survey would provide much needed information about the specific feelings and concerns from this organization. Ultimately, they will use your presentation of the plan outline to help them decide how to spend the money, time, and resources to conduct an engagement study. CapraTek is an organization that has 360 employees in three research and development divisions across two locations.

CapraTek has had some difficulty in retaining millennial employees at entry and mid-levels in all fields across the organization. The level of satisfaction of the overall boomer workforce is also not as positive as it could be. The HR team has observed that they are not applying for advancement opportunities. This is an area of concern. The HR team doesn't have any specific data on generation X employees. No survey has been done. They are just starting to think about generation Z employees, as the youngest group is just graduating from college. There also seems to be issues with how work areas in the company's spaces are organized, which may have some connection to generational preferences. There is a great deal more unknown information than known information because the company does not have an active survey program.

The current perspective among the executive leadership of the organization is that there are no employee engagement issues or concerns. There have been some comments that HR is not sourcing the best possible candidates for hiring and that is having an impact on retention rates.

Your Challenge

As an HR professional at CapraTek, you have been tasked with preparing 10 to 12 slides that could be presented to the leadership team about employee engagement issues, the goals for the engagement study, and the likely budget and timeframe, as well as how you will select the best strategy to conduct the engagement study for the different generations in your workplace.


Create an effective 10 to 12 slides presentation deck with detailed presentation notes elaborating on each bullet point that could be presented to a leadership meeting. Your presentation should describe the engagement issues to address at CapraTek, how the engagement research tool will be selected, and the time/budget/plan to implement the engagement research strategy. Include the following in your slide presentation and presentation notes:

I. Analyze the current employee engagement situation at CapraTek from observations of the different generations.

II. Re-read the previous related material in the course to make observations of the different generations at CapraTek.

1. What issues do you see from the employees' perspective?

2. What issues do you see from the managers' perspective?

III. Define the goals and the purpose of collecting engagement data from employees.

1. What is the purpose of collecting engagement data from employees?

2. How will the data collected be used to address the engagement issues identified above?

IV. Analyze the common process in the field for selecting appropriate engagement survey questions and/or selecting the right survey tool.

V. Estimate the approximate budget, time, and resources needed to implement an engagement research strategy for CapraTek.

1. 360 employees at CapraTek, three divisions, two work sites.

VI. Describe the overview of the implementation plan for engagement research at CapraTek.

VII. An effective PowerPoint presentation for this purpose typically includes:

1. One title slide, APA formatted.

2. 1-2 introduction slides explaining the employee engagement context at CapraTek, taken from the scenario above and the preceding course material.

3. 1-2 slides identifying the main engagement issues for the different generations.

4. 1-2 slides defining the goals for the engagement study and how the data will be used to address the issues.

5. 1-2 slides analyzing the common process for creating or selecting an engagement research tool.

6. 1-2 slides with approximate budget, time, and resources needed to implement an engagement research strategy.

7. One conclusion slide with an overview of the implementation plan for the engagement research at CapraTek.

8. One slide with APA-formatted references.

9. Presentation notes under each slide to describe the main points of emphasis.

Reference no: EM133618492

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