Reference no: EM132187313
Discussion 1
In a paragraph (150 words minimum), please respond to the following questions:
· Of the seven moral theories discussed
· Virtue Ethics - Aristotle (teleological) - Maintain a virtuous disposition. ...
· Natural Law - Aquinas (teleological) - Base judgements on reason and logic. ...
· Categorical Imperative - Kant (deontological) ...
· Utilitarianism - Mill (teleological) ...
· Theory of Justice - Rawls (deontological) ...
· Prima Facie Duties - Ross (deontological)
· , which one do you consider to be the mostcompelling, and why?
· Which of the seven moral theories do you consider to be the least compelling, and why?
Discussion 2
In a paragraph (150 words minimum), please respond to the following question:
· Explain John Stuart Mill's theory of higher and lower pleasures: Are there any problems inherent in the theory?
· Overall, does Mill's idea of higher and lower pleasures make sense to you? Why or why not?
Discussion 3
In a paragraph (150 words minimum), please respond to ONE of the following questions:
· After reading the Gill essay, Discuss the logical point made by some opponents of PAS that it is impossible to be better off dead than alive. Even if the logical argument were sound, are there other reasons to claim that suicide for a terminally ill patient is morally justified?
· What worries does Velleman raise about appeals to dignity and autonomy in arguments over euthanasia? Do you agree or disagree with him on this issue? Why or why not?
Discussion 4
In a paragraph (150 words minimum), please respond to the following questions:
· Leopold suggests that economics should not be our only concern when it comes to the use of land. To what extent should economic considerations play a part in our treatment of nature and the environment?
· Are there any situations in which economic concerns might trump environmental ones? If so, could you give an example?
Discussion 5
In a paragraph (150 words minimum), please respond to the following questions:
· Do you relate more to the abolitionist or the retentionist position?
· What do you see as the two strongest supporting arguments for your position, and why?
Discussion 6
In a paragraph (150 words minimum), please respond to the following questions:
· Prior to reading the text, how would you have defined terrorism?
· What is your understanding of terrorism now?
· How would you account for the huge amount of terrorism in the 20th and 21st centuries?
· What do you see as the ethically proper response to acts of terror?
Discussion 7
In a paragraph (150 words minimum), please respond to ONE of the following questions:
· What do people spend money on that they either don't need or rarely use other than those things mentioned by Singer? What things might people be most easily convinced to do without, and why?
· Consider and discuss whether the Kantian argument for helping the vulnerable is more or less convincing than the traditional utilitarian arguments. What kinds of arguments would be the most likely to persuade people to help those in need?
· Does Peter Singer's greatest moral evil rule require that persons act in heroic ways or go above and beyond the call of duty as Arthur suggests? Explain your answer.
Discussion 8
In a paragraph (150 words minimum), please respond to ONE of the following questions:
· Macedo distinguishes two possible ways, which he labels "humanitarian assistance" and "distributive justice," of seeking to improve the condition of the poor. Explain these two approaches to assisting the poor. Do you agree or disagree with them? Why or why not?
· Why does Macedo claim that cosmopolitan distributive justice "makes no sense"? Do you agree or disagree with him on this question?