Reference no: EM131476719
1. Think about two positive messages you have been told through-out your life or when you were a kid or two positive things you believe about yourself. Now indicate below how these messages have manifest themselves in your life.
How does thinking negative instead of positive impact you when you encounter someone different than yourself?
2. How do you change your own ways of thinking to positively impact dealing with diversity.
3. You were born an Intersexed person. This is the state of a person whose sex chromosomes, genitalia and/or secondary sex characteristics are determined to be neither exclusively male nor female. A person with intersex may have biological characteristics of both the male and female sexes. At the age of five your parents changed your biological sex to what you have determined as an adult to be the wrong gender. What do you do?
4. Patriotism, Loyalty To Country, And Political Involvement: We believe that we are to be good citizens. This means we are loyal to our nation: we are to support our Armed Forces, law enforcement officials, and we should participate in the political process. We live in a free country but we must all be loyal and not question authority in order to be patriotic. What is your viewpoint on these statements?
5. What is your viewpoint regarding the issues women in the workplace often face.
6. What is your thoughts regarding organizations and school systems that feel they have the right to utilize stereotypical mascots.
7. What are your thoughts on Blacks & Whites uniting during slavery?
8. What is your viewpoint on the issues of immigration that caused the creation of laws that banned equal opportunity to nonwhite immigrants and how does this relate to the issues of immigration today?
9. Religious Freedom and what does this mean in the United States workplace.
10. You have just learned that you have HIV. Now indicate how you would want to be treated at work/school by your supervisor/colleagues/peers.