What is your thought on position

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM13500986

PROCUREMENT QUESTION: Good thoughts on PTN. However, Post Tender Negotiation sometimes gets to bid-shopping, which is applied at this point to indicate client attempts to reduce the supplier's final price.

Bid-shopping is very common in some industries such as the construction industry and together with the general contractor and sub-contractors of a project, particularly in the USA and Australia, to cut the sub-contractors final prices both before and after the award of contract.

Now, in your judgment is it unethical for a client of a public project, e.g. North Bristol Integrated Community Hospital, to attempt to reduce suppliers' bids, as the granted funds to the project is a public money?

What is your thought on this position?

Reference no: EM13500986

Questions Cloud

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What is your thought on position : Post Tender Negotiation sometimes gets to bid-shopping, which is applied at this point to indicate client attempts to reduce the supplier's final price.
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