What is your response to the connections the author makes

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Reference no: EM133350087

Questions: Please help with these few questions

  1. Where are you in your current racial/cultural identity development? Identify the multiple roles and identities in your own personal life. What strategies have proven effective in integrating them?
  2. What is your response to the connections the author makes between sexism, privilege, and oppressive beauty standards?
  3. What are some of the issues in your own life that you have experienced or noticed in terms of the relationship between beauty and identity formation?
  4. What can those in a position of privilege do to honor beauty along a more inclusive spectrum?
  5. Before reading this chapter, what did you know about colorism in the African American community? How has this chapter impacted your knowledge?
  6. In viewing African Americans of various skin tones, what is your preference? Why?
  7. What are the common views regarding skin color in your community and family? How have these views impacted you and your work/experiences with People of Color?
  8. As racial diversity continues to be a focus across the United States, how is diversity valued in public school curricula? Do you think academic expectations of non-White students (lower, middle, and upper class) are the same as those of White students regardless of socioeconomic status? As a consumer, parent, educator, taxpayer how might you advocate for students and future generations.


Reference no: EM133350087

Questions Cloud

Analyzing the child intervention : Analyzing the child intervention. What challenges or limitations might there be for this intervention?
Non-harmful dual relationship : You noted a non-harmful dual relationship is a social worker serving as a mentor to a client.
Phenomenology study design : How does a researcher ensure he has that alignment? Phenomenology study design?
Distinction between public and private conformity : One issue that Asch (1955) addressed was the distinction between public and private conformity
What is your response to the connections the author makes : Where are you in your current racial/cultural identity development? Identify the multiple roles and identities in your own personal life. What strategies have
Discuss the benefits and limitations of ethical codes : Discuss the benefits and limitations of ethical codes for helping professionals. How the identified limitations can be considered benefits.
Compare a biological model to a psychological model : Compare a biological model to a psychological model by using each to show the causes of and treatments for substance use disorders.
How do they reflect the growth of your child : how do they reflect the growth of your child. You should also note where criticism of Piaget is apparent in this growth process. Also do not forget vaccines
Describe detailed synopsis of domestic violence victims : Provide and describe a detailed synopsis of domestic violence victims suffering in silence in urban communities behind closed doors at the hands of their spouse


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