What is your proposed methodology and design

Assignment Help Management Theories
Reference no: EM133490726

Question: In the last few weeks, the course materials have focused on all three methodologies and their designs. The objective of this assignment is to identify the methodology and design that will be used in your proposed dissertation study. The following paper should be two to three pages with at least five citations for justification. The following questions should be answered: What is your proposed methodology and design?

Provide extensive rationale for your chosen methodology by explaining the differences between quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-methods methodology. Justify why your chosen methodology is more suitable to your study than the other two methodologies. Then, explain why the remaining two methodologies are less suitable to research your topic. Remember to base your justification on previous empirical articles you selected throughout this course.

For quantitative studies, learners should provide the variable structures, units of analysis, and units of observations. For qualitative studies, learners should provide the units of analysis, and units of observations. Mixed methods studies should provide both Research topic- Impact of brand loyalty(Johnson & Johnson)on consumers behavior through social media(you tube )

Reference no: EM133490726

Questions Cloud

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What is your proposed methodology and design : What is your proposed methodology and design and Provide extensive rationale for your chosen methodology - For quantitative studies, learners should provide
What are the pros and cons to using computerized assessment : What are the pros and cons to using computerized assessment systems? What are the different types? Which are the most well known?
How have you resolved the conflicts : MGT 422- How have you resolved those conflicts? Now that you have studied the ethical decision-making frameworks in this chapter, what should you have done?
What leadership theories are most important to you : Express three of the most valuable aspect of leadership you learned from this course and what you will take with you into practice.
Explain the role of entrepreneurship in canada : Explain the role of Entrepreneurship in Canada. How has it affected the Canadian economy?


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