What is your promotional mix

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Reference no: EM133617629

Question: The "Samsung Plus" is a new product from Samsung that offers upgraded features over the company's previous smartphones. The Samsung Plus lets users take excellent photographs and videos even in low light with its dual-camera setup and telephoto lens. It also boasts a 6.7-inch AMOLED display with pristine resolution, which makes it perfect for gaming and streaming videos. The phone's cutting-edge processor guarantees quick performance and fluid multitasking. Its main features and advantages are the Samsung Plus's camera, display, processor, and general performance. Since it has new features and upgrades that aren't found in the current Samsung smartphones, it differs from the original product. A new product line called Samsung Plus is intended to diversify Samsung's product offering.

What is your promotional mix (include at least 2 tools/strategies) - consider characteristics of each outlined in Exhibit 15.4 to explain why you chose the promotional strategies that you have selected also taking into consideration what was discussed in 15-6: Factors Affecting the Promotional Mix and other considerations explained in Section 16-4 to 16-6 in the text.

i.e. If you selected one Promotional Approach to be Digital advertising, you could explain why because it is more targeted, or Sales promotions because it will allow consumers to sample a new product with little risk/investment, Personal Selling because a relationship with the customer is a very important part in influencing them to buy this product, magazines because targeting a very specific demographic that we know are regular subscribers to that magazine, etc. And expand on your explanation.

Reference no: EM133617629

Questions Cloud

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