Reference no: EM133649781
Assignment: Ethical & Professional Vignettes
Question I. After graduating, a fellow student in your CACREP-accredited counseling program takes and passes the National Counselor Exam (NCE). He then rents office space and advertises in the local newspaper saying "Individual, Group, and Family Counseling by a Nationally Certified Counselor." Is this ethical? Is this professional? Is this legal in your state? Do the laws vary from state to state? Should you say anything to the student?
Question II. A colleague of yours runs into a former client at a social get-together. The client asks your colleague out and the colleague accepts the offer after reflecting on the fact that the client has not been in counseling for the last five years. Is this ethical? Is this professional? Is this legal? Is this wise? Should you say anything to your colleague?
Question III. A licensed school counselor, who is not a licensed professional counselor, advertises that he is doing "short-term individual counseling." He does this part-time at a local private practice clinic. Is this ethical? Is this professional? Is this legal? Should you say anything to him?
Question IV. A counselor you know has decided to try out a new technique involving extreme verbal confrontations of the client. You are familiar with the literature on client outcomes and this technique does not seem to be in line with the research. Is he acting ethically? Professionally? Legally? What is your professional/ethical obligation?
Question V. As a counselor at a mental health center you work daily with clients who are taking medications. One of your clients who has been taking Prozac continues to tell you that she is quite depressed. You say to her, "No problem, you need your medication changed, I'll arrange that," and you refer her to the staff psychiatrist. Have you responded to the client in an ethical manner? Have you responded in a professional manner? Do you have other options?
Question VI. You are personally opposed to the killing of animals for fur coats, when one of your clients walks in with a full-length new mink coat. She says to you, "Isn't this coat gorgeous," at which point you respond by saying, "How many minks were killed to make that?" Have you responded ethically? Professionally? What should you do if your personal moral code interferes with you ethical guidelines?
Question VII. The same person as in vignette 6 goes on to tell you that the minks that were raised for her coat were raised at an illegal mink ranch. In fact, you realize the treatment of the animals was probably horrible. Do you have any legal obligation to report this illegal ranch?
Question VIII. You have decided to forego licensure as a professional counselor, and instead of doing therapy, you offer "educational workshops and periodic individual meetings." You advertise these as "coaching sessions" and state that you will offer "positive-goal-directed, short-term motivational sessions." Can you practice like this without a license? Is this counseling? Can you be sued for practicing without a license?
Question IX. A client of yours who has been working on becoming more assertive with her spouse and at work finds out that she is being underpaid at work for the same services that males in her position make. She asks you to write a letter for her, which she will sign, to send to her boss. Is this appropriate given the Advocacy Competencies? Are you working on "behalf" of your client? What implications might such an action have in your client's life?
Question X. Despite having little or no training in working with Ethiopian clients, you decide to take on, in family counseling, an Ethiopian family who has just moved to this country. Is this ethical? Is this professional? Is this wise? Should you work with this client? What alternatives do you have?