What is your plan of treatment

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Reference no: EM133576272

Assignment: Skin Screening Exam

Case Study

Sarah is a 4 - day - old infant in the office with her mother for an initial visit and weight check. Her mother states that Sarah has a rash on her chest and arms that has been intermittent for the past 2 days. There do not seem to be any triggers for the rash. Sarah' s mother has washed all the baby' s clothes in a hypoallergenic cleanser only and has not used any moisturizers on the skin since the baby was discharged from the hospital. The rash also appears when Sarah is clad in only a diaper. The rash does not appear to cause discomfort for Sarah. Sarah' s mother has not found anything that makes the rash better or worse.

• Birth History: Sarah is the product of a 40 - week gestation. Her birth weight was 3600 g. Further questioning about Sarah' s birth history reveals that the mother' s pregnancy was normal. She had no infections, falls, nor known exposures to environmental hazards. She did not use alcohol, take prescription medication (other than prenatal vitamins), use tobacco products, or use illicit drugs. During labor, Sarah' s mother received a narcotic analgesic 1 hour prior to birth. Sarah was delivered via spontaneous vaginal delivery and her A scores were 7 at 1 minute and 9 at 5 minutes.

• Social History: Sarah was born to a single, 18 - year - old mother. Sarah' s father is involved but does not reside in the household. Sarah lives in a 2 - bedroom apartment with her mother and maternal grandmother (MGM). The MGM can help Sarah' s mother provide care. Sarah' s mother receives several governmental subsidies such as Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Supplemental Nutrition Program, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), and Medicaid. Educationally, Sarah' s mother is completing coursework for her high school diploma. Sarah' s father is also a high school student. There are no smokers in the home. The family has a dog.

• Diet: Sarah is being fed a milk - based formula - 2 oz every 3 - 4 hours.

• Elimination: 6 - 8 wet diapers daily with 3 - 4 yellow, seedy bowel movements.

• Sleep: Sleeps between feedings

• Family Medical History: PGF (age 40): asthma; PGM (age 38): obesity, high cholesterol, hypertension; MGF (age 36): sickle cell trait; MGM (age 34): bipolar disorder; mother (age 18): sickle cell trait; father (age 17): eczema.

• Medications: Currently taking no prescription, herbal, or over - the - counter medications.

• Allergies: No known allergies to food, medications, or environment.


• Vital Signs: Weight: 3690 g; length: 44 cm; temperature: 36.8 ° C (rectal).

• General: Alert; well - nourished; well - hydrated baby.

• Skin: Scattered 1 - cm, yellow - white papules on an erythematous base on the trunk, upper arms, and thighs; lesions are nontender to touch; lanugo over shoulders; no cyanosis of lips, nails, or skin; no diaphoresis noted; good skin turgor.

• Head: Normocephalic; anterior fontanel open and flat (0.3 cm × 3 cm); posterior fontanel open and flat (0.5 cm × 0.5 cm).

• Eyes: Red reflex present bilaterally; pupils equal, round, and reactive to light; no discharge noted.

• Ears: Pinnae normal; tympanic membranes gray bilaterally with positive light reflex.

• Nose: Both nostrils patent; no discharge.

• Oropharynx: Mucous membranes moist; no teeth present; no lesions.

• Neck: Supple; no nodes.

• Respiratory: RR = 28; clear in all lobes; no adventitious sounds noted; no retractions; no deformities of the thoracic cage noted.

• Cardiac/Peripheral Vascular: HR = 120; regular rhythm; no murmur noted; brachial and femoral pulses present and 2 + bilaterally

• Abdomen/Gastrointestinal: Soft, nontender, nondistended, no evidence of hepatosplenomegaly. Umbilical cord is in place without signs and symptoms of infection.

• Genitourinary: Normal male; testes descended bilaterally; circumcision healing well.

• Back: Spine straight.

• Extremities: Full range of motion of all extremities; warm and well - perfused; capillary refill < 2 seconds; negative hip click.

• Neurologic: Good suck and cry; good tone in all extremities; positive Moro, rooting, plantar, palmar, and Babinski reflexes.


Question I. Which diagnostic or imaging studies should be considered to assist with or confirm the diagnosis?

1. Skin biopsy
2. Peripheral blood smear
3. Bacterial/viral culture from the lesion

Question II. What is the most likely differential diagnosis and why?

1. Milia
2. Erythema toxicum
3. Herpes simplex virus

Question III. What is your plan of treatment?

Question IV. Does the patient' s psychosocial history impact how you might treat this patient?

Question V. Are any referrals needed?

Question VI. Does the patient' s psychosocial history impact how you might treat this patient?

Reference no: EM133576272

Questions Cloud

Three takeaways in your future courses : Share the top 3 takeaways you obtained from this course. Specifically, how can you use these three takeaways in your future courses, and/or career?
Describe what a fluid and electrolyte imbalance is : Describe what a fluid and electrolyte imbalance is and how this is important to the function of the body?
Strike balance between individual rights and public safety : The rights of businesses to declare their premises firearm-free zones may seem to strike a balance between individual rights and public safety,
Provide overview of the vignette : Provide overview of the vignette. Discuss the significance of the story with regard to the information in the chapter.
What is your plan of treatment : What is your plan of treatment? Does the patient' s psychosocial history impact how you might treat this patient? Are any referrals needed?
What proportion of coverage deal with u.s. news or issues : How many stories or what proportion of coverage deal with U.S. news or issues? examine the main national broadcasters' website for Spain, Italy, Germany, France
How does your type relate to your leadership characteristics : How does your type relate to your leadership characteristics? What are your leadership strengths and what might you want to improve?
Summarize the components of each strategy : Summarize the components of each strategy. Be sure to include how each strategy will support Tawannaand what the benefits are to using each strategy.
Develop a powerpoint presentation with speaker notes : Develop a PowerPoint presentation with speaker notes. You will then use the PowerPoint during your Kaltura recording.


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