Reference no: EM131901164
What is your philosophy of education (Perennialism/Essentialism/ Progressivism/Existentialism/Social Reconstructivism)?
Cite the relevant philosophers and ideas discussed in your text and/or examined in class. How will your philosophical perspective impact your teaching style?
How will your teaching placement modify your philosophy?
How do your personal values, political proclivities, class consciousness, racial perspectives, and historical insights influence your outlook?
Why is it important to have a philosophy of education?
Structu re/Organization
• Double-spaced, word-processed, I-inch margins, 12-point font.
• Conventions: Spelling, usage, paragraphing, and sentence structure.
• Length/format. Appropriate to question (5 pages).
• Completeness: Thorough discussion ("compact crystallization").
• The writing should be scholarly, but natural, unforced, and shot through with wit, passion, delight, and/or intrigue.
• There should be an engaging "sound" to the writing, a contrast in sentence length and cadence. It doesn't plod; it has lilt. Thus, "write for the ear."
What scene was most important in your opinion and why
: What scene was most important in your opinion? Why? Which part of the movie did you not understand and would like to understand better?
Determine adjusted monthly income
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Know about the principal and interest portions
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What was the most surprising thing you learned
: Discuss how the concepts in an Organizational Communication course can be applied to real-world situations and increase your chances of career or life success.
What is your philosophy of education
: How do your personal values, political proclivities, class consciousness, racial perspectives, and historical insights influence your outlook?
What is the probability that either a male or a republican
: A raffle is held to give away a nice Coleman® picnic cooler (so they can "cool" down their tempers just a bit).
Identify the three pricing discrepancies
: Identify the three pricing discrepancies and explain why those prices could not hold.
What is the probability that all the draws result
: If 4 student names are drawn from a hat with replacement, what is the probability that all the draws result in freshmen?
Describe a time when someone tried to persuade you to change
: Describe a time when someone tried to persuade you to change a belief, buy a product or take a specific action, in which he/she clearly did not take the time.