What is your personal reaction to the case studies

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Reference no: EM133449128

Book name is David G. Myers. And please I need References:

1: Effective presentation of your own hypotheses, opinions, and points of view, including your own professional and/or personal experiences.

2. Some citation omissions for work derived from other sources, including PSY 1100 course material.

Discussion (Memory)

Note: Based on my previous experiences teaching our course, there is a tendency for students to base their responses to either discussion board thread primarily on the supplemental course material, which is quite compelling. Please remember also to apply material from the textbook and/or lecture notes in your responses as well as your own experiences, as appropriate. Thanks.

Please respond to one of the following two discussion board threads.

(1) Please read the first two NY Times articles and view the video in the Course Material Reading Folder as well as read and apply the relevant textbook and lecture material.

(i) What is your personal reaction to the case studies of Benjaman Kyle and Henry Gustav Molaison, known until his death in December 2008 as "H.M."? Explain. (ii) From your perspective, supported by course material, discuss some ways that people with disorders such as amnesia, Alzheimer's disease, and repressed memories can function despite an inability to create and/or retrieve memories. Explain.

- OR -

(2) Please read the last four NY Times articles in the Course Material Reading Folder as well as read and apply the relevant textbook and lecture material.

The phenomenon of false memories, especially source amnesia, has been in the news over the past few years. Here are just a few examples:

James Frey's A Million Little Pieces was a best-selling autobiographical book about his experiences in drug and alcohol rehabilitation. It topped the NY Times bestseller's list for non-fiction. One problem -- he never was in a drug or alcohol rehabilitation program.

Herman Rosenblat's autobiographical book Angel at the Fence is based on his experiences as a young boy in a Nazi concentration camp. There he met a girl (she eventually became his wife) who regularly came to the barbed wire fence. One problem -- historical documents show that the physical layout of the camp and the regimen of the Nazi guards meant that such meetings were impossible.

Richard Blumenthal, a two-term Attorney General for the State of Connecticut, claimed for almost 10 years that he had served in Vietnam as a member of a US Marine Reserve unit. One problem -- he never left the Washington, DC area nor served in Vietnam. (He now serves as a U.S. Senator from Connecticut.)

David Relin wrote the best seller Three Cups of Tea about his efforts to build schools in remote Asian villages. In recent years critics raised factual discrepancies about his autobiographical book and his claims of charitable philanthropy. He died in November, 2012 at the age of 49 years. According to his family, he "took his own life."

All of these people admitted to their "false memories" only after details were published by the news media.

After a long preamble, finally the discussion board questions: (i) From your personal perspective, supported by course material, why do people create false or inaccurate memories? Explain. (ii) In your opinion, supported by course material, are these "real" memories from the person's perspective or elaborate lies? Explain.

Reference no: EM133449128

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