Reference no: EM132801606
Problem - Russ Alonzo Takes Stock of His Securities
Russ Alonzo is 42 years old, single, and works as a designer for a major architectural firm. He is well paid and has built up a sizable portfolio of investments. He considers himself an aggressive investor and, because he has no dependents to worry about, likes to invest in high-risk/high-return securities. His records show the following information.
1. In 2006, Russ bought 200 shares of eBay (NASDAQ; symbol EBAY) at $29.77 a share.
2. In 2013 he bought 250 shares of Facebook (NASDAQ; symbol FB) at $26.89 a share.
3. In 2008, Russ bought 200 shares of United Technologies Corp. (NYSE; symbol UTX) at $74.92 a share.
4. In early 2009, he bought 450 shares of JPMorgan Chase (NYSE; symbol JPM) at $16 a share.
5. Also in 2009, Russ bought 400 shares of PepsiCo (NYSE; symbol PEP) at $52.50 a share.
6. He has $12,000 in a 1 percent money market mutual fund.
What is your overall assessment of Russ' investment portfolio? Does it appear that his personal net worth is improving because of his investments?