Reference no: EM133531190
Question: Antibiotics are effective and powerful drugs that are used to treat bacterial infections. The first antibiotic was discovered by Alexander Fleming in 1928 and since then they have saved millions of lives. Despite their effectiveness, natural selection has resulted in the ability of these microbes to evolve and develop resistance to antibiotics.
Alexander Fleming, during his speech at the Nobel Prize Ceremony in 1945 said:
" Then there is danger that the ignorant man may easily underdose himself and by exposing these microbes to non-lethal quantities of the drug, make them resistant".
Antibiotic resistance is a major health crisis today and, in the US, alone, more than 2.8 million antibiotic resistant infections occur each year. More than 35,000 people die of these infections each year in the US.
For this discussion, students are required to research peer reviewed original scientific articles on antibiotic resistance. Once you have researched, pick one article to discuss in your primary essay. Write a minimum of 250- word essay on the article and address the following points-
What were the major findings from the article?
Which bacteria was the article referring to and how did the bacteria become resistant to antibiotics?
What are some common effects of this antibiotic resistant bacteria?
Describe the results from the article and talk about their conclusions.
What is your opinion on antibiotic resistant bacterial infections as a public health crisis? How can we prevent this from further posing a danger to human health?