What is your opinion of water ownership

Assignment Help Business Economics
Reference no: EM133513551

Question 1. What is your opinion of water "ownership"? Do you think water resources should be collectively owned by the public, or do you think companies should be able to privately own water rights to ground water?

Question 2. What role should the government play in the bottle water industry?

Question 3. How have marketing and convenience factored into the demand for bottled water?

Question 4. How have the terms "pure", "safe", and "healthy" been utilized in marketing to try to make distinction between tap and bottle water in terms of the water's perceived quality?

Question 5. How is bottled water, as shown in the t.v. commercials, the biggest marketing trick of all time?

Question 6. How would placing bottle deposits (5¢ or 10¢) on plastic water bottles affect return rate for recycling? Would the outcome change depending on the amount of deposit required?

Question 7. How will this movie affect how you feel about your own personal use or the use of bottle water in general?


Reference no: EM133513551

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