Reference no: EM131042926
On April 23, 2008, the United States Supreme Court, without dissent, determined in the case of Virginia v. Moore that despite unprofessional conduct on the part of the police, there was no violation of Mr. Moore's civil rights when the police profiled him because they knew that he was driving under a suspended license. A subsequent arrest and search for the suspended driver's license resulted in the finding of controlled substances and additional charges. Essentially, the court ruled that if the police knew a defendant was committing a motor vehicle violation, regardless of their personal bias, then they had the right to stop that person and check to see if probable cause existed to arrest him or her.
Primary Task Response:Within the Discussion Board area, write 400-600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.
Under what conditions do you think, if any, racial profiling should be clearly illegal? Explain your position.
What is your opinion about the decision that even if an officer was racially profiling, if the stop was based on a motor vehicle violation, then there is no issue?
Is there a legitimate reason at any stage in an investigation for racial profiling? Explain.
What impacts on the community do you think can proracial profiling policies have? Explain in detail.
2 References
Resource Links
· Racial Profiling-ACLU
Web site with related content, articles, and links regarding racial profiling.
· Racial Profiling or Good Police Work?
Web site that examines the issues surround racial profiling.
· Why Racial Profiling is a Bad Idea
A Web site article that examines what is specifically wrong with racial profiling.
· Racial Profiling Myths
Web site article examines the myth of racial profiling.
· Racial Profiling-A Police Manager's Perspective
To view file, click on the link "Racial Profiling: A Police Manager's Perspective". Whether racial profiling is a matter of perception or reality loses significance when considering the widespread public belief in its existence and the subsequent liability for law enforcement agencies that encounter allegations of racial profiling.
Racial profiling-Virginia v. Moore
Article that examines the Virginia v. Moore Case and racial profiling issues.
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