What is your impression of multiculturalism in canada

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Reference no: EM133328920

After watching this week's videos and reading through the notes, please complete this assignment in your own words. There are two parts:

Question 1) Respond to the question: What is your impression of multiculturalism in Canada? Do you think that the idea of Canada as a "cultural mosaic" is accurate? Why, or why not?

Question 2) Find (or create, if you prefer) a representation of what multiculturalism in Canada means to you. This might be a picture, an article, a short video, a poster, etc. The idea is to explore some of the available information on multiculturalism, or to consider your own experience in Canada.

For example, when I think of multiculturalism in Canada, I think about diversity in the classroom, and how difficult it can be to offer an accurate and authentic picture of the multitude of cultures and practices that exist. Here is an article on representing diversity in the classroom.

Multiculturalism Resources

Below you will find links to the videos and articles referred to in this week's notes.

Multiculturalism lecture video

Video: Multiculturalism in Canada is a Work in Progress

Video: Is Canadian Multiculturalism a Myth?

Video: Should Immigrants be Screened for Canadian Values?

Article: Multiculturalism - Evolution & Changes

Article: Diversity & Social Inclusion

Report: 2018 Annual Report to Parliament on Immigration

Attachment:- Multiculturalism.rar

Reference no: EM133328920

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