Reference no: EM133796132
Assignment: Hominin Dating Profile
Goal: Portray your knowledge of the important attributes of a particular fossil hominin
Format: Dating profile! There are guidelines below. Creativity welcome! You can use Word, PowerPoint, Illustrator, Photoshop, or whatever you like.
All of the responses on this dating profile should relate to/be unique to the fossil hominin you choose. There must be good reasons for your answers that relate to the morphology, physiology, behavior, and/or environment of your chosen hominin.
Things To Include in what you turn in to Canvas:
1) The Dating Profile
2) A short description/justification of what you created (selection of hominin and the profile you develop- see example at the end of the document)
Guidance on Content
I. The profile should begin with a Tinder-style description of your fossil that is NO MORE than 300 characters. With an accompanying profile picture (preferably a funny looking one from a paleo-artist reconstruction).
II. Then it should contain the follow sections/answers to questions in any order - BE SUCCINT and/or use images/illustrations!
1. Morphology/physiology: What are your best physical features and why?
• E.g. Paranthropus boisei - My best feature is my beautiful, wide cheekbones.
2. Fossil Age/Date/Location: When is your ideal time and place for a date?
3. Behavior: What are your special skills and/or favorite hobbies? Get the instant assignment help.
4. Diet: What is your favorite food and how do you like it prepared?
5. For fun: What are you binging on Netflix right now and why? (or Hulu, Prime, whatever streaming service)
6. Environment/Behavior: On a typical weekend you will find me...
• Example: on a typical weekend you will find me building a fire in a cave
7. For Fun:Message me if...
• Example: Message me if your cranial capacity is at least as big as your ego
• Example: Message me if you like long muddy walks at Laetoli
8. List of Possible Fossil Hominins
• Sahelanthropus tchadensis
• Orrorin tugenensis
• Ardipithecus ramidus
• Australopithecus afarensis
• Australopithecus africanus
• Paranthropusrobustus or boisei
• Homo habilis
• Homo erectus
• Homo heidelbergensis
• Neanderthals
• Anatomically Modern Humans (AMH).