What is your evaluation of ascena corporate strategy

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM133199045 , Length: Word count: 2 Pages

Assignment Task: Read the following.

Chapter: Corporate-Level Strategy - Creating Value through Diversification

Paper: Ascena - Odds of survival in specialty retail?

And then respond the following:

In what ways has Ascena pursued a value enhancing/creating diversification path? In what ways, has the firm pursued diversification for non-value enhancing reasons? Identify at least four total motives and specific actions.

Ascena has largely expanded by using acquisitions. Have they managed the acquisition process well? In other words, how have they made acquisitions work for them?  How have they experienced the pitfalls of acquisitions? Identify at least four total items for how they have managed the acquisition process.

In the end, what is your evaluation of Ascena's corporate strategy? Specifically identify whether you believe they are doing it well or poorly and justify this conclusion.

What recommendations would you have for the firm? Make specific, meaningful recommendations that build from the analysis above.

Reference no: EM133199045

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