What is your ethical responsibility to your colleagues

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Reference no: EM133602349

Problem: You are a behavior analyst in an agency that provides services in behavior analysis, as well as services by other clinicians, including speech pathologists, occupational therapists, and physical therapists. Often, clients that you treat are receiving therapy from other clinicians, as well. As a supervising BCBA in the agency, you oversee a group of Registered Behavior Technicians (RBTs) that work directly with many of your clients. One of your RBTs told you that the occupational therapist and speech pathologist were having a conversation in the hallway regarding one of your shared clients. The report was that these colleagues were discussing the client by name, and expressing negative opinions about having to implement behavioral interventions during their sessions, complaining that the behavioral issues were "your" job to take care of and should not interfere with their sessions. In reviewing Section 2 of the Code and considering the model for effective decision making, what is your ethical responsibility to your colleagues, and what course of action would you take to resolve this issue?

Reference no: EM133602349

Questions Cloud

What are some ways you believe we can chip away : With that said, what are some ways you believe we can chip away at the negative connotations surrounding social justice and inequality?
Describe a time when you enjoyed a moment : Describe a time when you enjoyed a moment of pleasure. In the Yoga Sutra it is mentioned that satisfying our thirst for pleasures brings a certain kind
How would yoga and medication combined : The PICOT question is, for mental health patients, (P) how would yoga and medication (I) combined, compared to medication only (C), affect depression symptoms?
Explain, what struch you aboutthis except and why : which has been translated from the original Latin into English. Explain, what struch you aboutthis except and why
What is your ethical responsibility to your colleagues : What is your ethical responsibility to your colleagues, and what course of action would you take to resolve this issue?
What the common temptations are in your everyday life : What the common temptations are in your everyday life. Be specific about whether these are common temptations, sins, addictions, or bondages
Discuss what kind of identity domains you have developed : Reflect on your own life and discuss what kind of identity domains you have developed, and how your personal choices and society may have influenced you.
Do you think they are suggestions or mandates : Jesus says a lot of hard things in the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7). Of the statements He makes, which of them is hardest for you to accept
What the texts discusses about neo shamanism : Discuss how Esposito et al. defines Shamans/Shamanism. Describe who these figures are, what they do, what are the qualifications, how they are viewed


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