What is your estimate of price per share

Assignment Help Accounting Basics
Reference no: EM13856190

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following is likely to be the most informative source if you were interested in a company's business plan or strategy?

A. Auditor's letter
B. Management discussion and analysis
C. Proxy statement
D. Footnotes

2. Which of the following would not be considered a source of financing?

A. Notes receivable
B. Common stockholders' equity
C. Retained earnings
D. Debentures

3. Wilco Company reports the following:




Retained Earnings


$ 1,300,000

Common Stock

$ 500,000

$              500,000

Paid-in Capital


$ 3,000,000

Net Income for year

$ 900,000

$              400,000

Dividend payout ratio for 2005 was:

A. 27%
B. 12%
C. 22.2%
D. Not determinable

4. If a company receives an unqualified audit opinion it means the auditors:

A. did not complete a full audit and therefore do not feel qualified to give an opinion on financial statements.
B. are providing assurance that the company will remain financially viable for at least the next year.
C. are providing assurance that the company's financial statements fairly present company's financial performance and position.
D. are providing assurance that the company's financial statements are free from misstatement, fraudulent accounting and fairly indicate future performance.

5. The Management Discussion and Analysis Section of the annual report:

A. is required by the SEC.
B. is optional but normally included in the annual report.
C. is required by the SEC only if the company has suffered from unfavorable trends or there are significant uncertainty concerning liquidity of the company.
D. is required by the SEC only if they have a qualified audit opinion.

You are analyzing a large stable company. For the year ending 12/31/05 the company reported earnings of $58,900K and book value at the end of 2005 was $371,700K. You expect earnings to grow at 5% a year in perpetuity, and the dividend payout ratio of 70% to continue. The company borrows at 8%, and has a cost of equity of 12%. The company has 25,000K shares outstanding.

6. What is your estimate of price per share using the dividend discount model at 12/31/05?

A. $20.62
B. $21.65
C. $23.56
D. $24.74

7. What is your estimate of price using the residual income valuation model at 12/31/05?

A. $20.62
B. $21.65
C. $23.56
D. $24.72

8. Which of the following is not a common tool used in financial statement analysis?

A. Random walk analysis
B. Ratio analysis
C. Common size statement analysis
D. Trend series analysis

9. A common size income statement would typically be prepared by dividing:

A. all items on income statement in Year t by their corresponding value in Year t-1.
B. all items on income statement in Year t by their corresponding balance sheet accounts in Year t.
C. all items on income statement in Year t by net income in Year t-1.
D. all items on income statement in Year t by sales in Year t.

10. When conducting comparative analysis by reviewing consecutive balance sheets,

A. all items on the balance sheet in Year t must be divided by their corresponding value in Year t-1 and subtract 1.
B. all items on the balance sheet in Year t-1 must be subtracted from their corresponding value in Year t.
C. all items on the balance sheet in Year t must be divided by net income in Year t-1.
D. Both A and B are correct.

You have prepared a trend series for Company XYZ for three years, 2004-2006 inclusive, using 2004 as the base year. Below are selected data.









Net Income




Total Assets




11. From the above information, you can infer that:

A. rate of sales growth has decreased.
B. net income to sales (return on sales) is increasing over time.
C. asset turnover is decreasing over time.
D. None of the above

12. Which of the following statements is incorrect?

A. Net Income in 2006 increased by 28% compared to 2004.
B. XYZ's net income to sales (return on sales) increased in 2006 compared to 2004.
C. XYZ's net income to sales (return on sales) decreased in 2006 compared to 2004.
D. Assets have increased over time.

13. While determining the most profitable company from the given number of companies, which of the following would be the best indicator of relative profitability?

A. Highest net income
B. Highest retained earnings
C. Highest return on equity
D. Highest operating margin

14. Which of the following statements concerning financial ratios is incorrect?

A. Accounting principles and methods used by a company will not affect financial ratios.
B. The informational value of a ratio in isolation is limited.
C. A ratio is one number expressed as a percentage or fraction of another number.
D. Calculation of financial ratios is not sufficient for a complete financial analysis of a company.

15. Which of the following ratios is not generally considered to be helpful in assessing short-term liquidity?

A. Acid test ratio
B. Current ratio
C. Days to collect receivables
D. Days goodwill held

16. Liquidity of a company is generally defined as a measure of:

A. the ability of a company to pay its employees in a timely manner.
B. the ability to pay interest and principal on all debt.
C. the ability to pay dividends.
D. the ability to pay current liabilities.

Following is some financial information for Dell Inc.







Net income



Total assets



Shareholder's equity



Cash flow from operations



Basic earnings per share



Book value per share



Closing stock price



17. What is Dell's profit margin for 2005?

A. 6.27%
B. 6.18%
C. 6.38%
D. 6.86%

18. What is Dell's profit margin for 2006?

A. 6.27%
B. 6.18%
C. 6.38%
D. 6.86%

19. What is Dell's P/E ratio for 2006?

A. 27.63
B. 12.81
C. 23.65
D. 9.70

20. What is Dell's asset turnover for 2006?

A. 2.12
B. 3.58
C. 3.65
D. 2.31

21. Given the following information, calculate the inventory turnover for ABC Co. for 2006 (pick closest number).

(in thousands of dollars)






Cost of Goods Sold






A. 8.96
B. 7.22
C. 6.93
D. 6.18

22. You have been provided the following information about Wert Inc.

(in thousands of dollars)






Net Income

$ 172

$ 202

Interest expense

$ 50

$ 55

Total Assets



Tax Rate



Return on Assets for 2006 is:

A. 13.71%
B. 12.68%
C. 10.77%
D. 13.21%

You have been provided the following information about High Inc.

(in thousands of dollars)



Current Assets

$ 158

$ 163

Long Term Assets

$ 453

$ 502

Current Liabilities

$ 102

$ 143

Long Term Liabilities

$ 302

$ 348

Net Income

$ 32

$ 42

23. Working Capital for 2005 is:

A. $56,000
B. $20,000
C. $151,000
D. $207,000

24. Owner's Equity for 2006 is:

A. $20,000
B. $154,000
C. $174,000
D. $207,000

25. Current Ratio for 2005 is:

A. 1.55
B. 1.51
C. 1.50
D. 1.14

26. Return on Common Equity for 2006 is:

A. 15.46%
B. 24.14%
C. 16.79%
D. 22.04%

27. Which of the following statements is correct?

A. The more efficiently a company utilizes its assets, the greater its return on investment, all other things being equal.
B. If return on equity increases, the return on assets must have also increased.
C. If the number of days inventory is held increases, the return on assets will increase, all other things being equal.
D. If the gross margin decreases, the inventory turnover must have increased, all other things being equal.

28. Which of the following statistics would be the most useful in determining the efficiency of a car rental company?

A. Inventory turnover
B. Number of employees per car rental
C. Average length of car rental
D. Number of days cars are rented as a percentage of number of days available for rent

29. Which of the following ratios does not relate to market price of a company under analysis?

A. Price-to-earnings
B. Earnings yield
C. Price-to-book
D. Return on common equity

30. The semistrong efficiency of market implies that:

A. stock prices fully reflect all inside information.
B. stock prices do not reflect information contained in past trading volume.
C. stock prices fully reflect all information found in 10-K filing.
D. stock prices fully reflect all information about future price changes.

31. Which of the following statements is incorrect?

A. It is possible for some markets to be more efficient than others.
B. It is possible for markets to be efficient with respect to some information and inefficient with respect to other information.
C. The market is likely to be more efficient with respect to companies where there is greater analyst following.
D. The market is totally efficient with respect to companies providing regular dividends to investors.

32. Which of the following ratios would be considered useful in assessing operating profitability?

A. Debt/Equity ratio
B. Acid test ratio
C. Gross profit margin
D. Return on equity

33. How much would you be prepared to pay for a $500 bond which comes due in 5 years and pays $80 interest annually assuming your required rate of return is 8% (pick closest answer)?

A. $740
B. $660
C. $608
D. $500

34. Fluno Corporation has 1 million shares outstanding at the end of fiscal 2005. Its stock is trading at $15 per share. It issued $0.6 million in dividends, and had net income of $1million in fiscal 2005. At the end of 2005, its total assets, liabilities and retained earnings were $25 million, $15 million and $7.5 million, respectively. Fluno's price to book ratio and dividend yield ratios for 2005 are:


Price to Book

Dividend Yield













A. Option A
B. Option B
C. Option C
D. Option D

35. Which of the following statements regarding the intrinsic value of a company is correct?

A. It can be calculated as book value plus the present value of future expected dividends, discounted at the cost of equity capital.
B. It can be calculated as present value of future expected dividends, discounted at the cost of debt.
C. It can be calculated as present value of future expected residual income, discounted at the cost of equity capital.
D. It can be calculated as book value plus the present value of future expected residual income, discounted at the cost of equity capital

36. Two otherwise equal companies have significantly different dividend payout ratios. Which of the following statements is most likely to be correct? The company with higher the dividend payout ratio:

A. will have a higher inventory turnover ratio.
B. will have a lower inventory turnover ratio.
C. will have higher earnings growth.
D. will have lower earnings growth.

37. On January 1, 2005, Systil Corporation issues $50M 10 year bonds with a coupon rate of 10%. Interest is payable annually at the end of the year. If the required return on bonds of similar risk at January 1, 2006 is 8%, what will be the price of the bonds be at this date?

A. $56.71M
B. $56.25M
C. $44.24M
D. $43.86M

38. Which of the following statements is most correct?

A. Technical analysis concerns itself with determining the intrinsic value of a stock.
B. Active investing is defined as buying and selling stock within six months.
C. Fundamental analysis attempts to value a company by examining the past prices patterns of a company's stock.
D. Individuals who engage in technical analysis by definition do not subscribe to the weak form of the efficient market hypothesis.

Rivaz Corporation



Net Income

$ 3,000


$ 1,000

Total Assets - 12/31/05

$ 35,000

Total Liabilities - 12/31 05

$ 21,225

Number of shares outstanding


Cost of Equity


39. Net income is expected to increase by 10% for the next year, and dividend payout ratio is expected to remain constant. After 2006, retained earnings are expected to decrease to zero. Using the residual income method what is the value per share of Rivaz stock as of 12/31/05?

A. $15.25
B. $15.16
C. $14.38
D. $13.77

40. Using the dividend discount model, assuming dividends grow at 10% per year for the next two years and at 5% thereafter, what is the value per share of Rivaz Corporation at 12/31/05?

A. $16.61
B. $16.51
C. $16.42
D. $14.87

41. Assuming total assets grew by $5,000 from 2004 to 2005, what is the return on assets of Rivaz Corporation for 2005?

A. 9.23%
B. 8.57%
C. 10.00%
D. 6.15%

42. Which of the following statements is incorrect?

A. Current assets are expected to be converted into cash sooner than noncurrent assets.
B. Equity investors have unlimited downside exposure if the company declares bankruptcy.
C. Paid-in capital of company is not affected by the payment of dividends.
D. Retained earnings at the inception of a company equals zero.

43. A company issues 12%, 10-year $1,000 bonds paying interest semi-annually. Required return for bonds of this risk is 15%. At what price will the bond be sold (pick closest answer)?

A. $663
B. $849
C. $ 847
D. $ 894

If the students calculate this assuming annual payments (N=10, PMT=120, I=15%), they will get answer B, not C. The correct solution is calculated with N=20, PMT=60 and I=7.5%. You may wish to award half marks for answer B.

44. You wish to compare the performance of two companies. Which of the following statements is most likely to be incorrect?

A. If the companies operate in different industries, this will hinder comparability.
B. The use of different accounting methods will hinder comparability.
C. If the companies are of significantly different sizes, this will hinder comparability.
D. If companies have different auditors, this will hinder comparability.

45. As of December 31, 2005, two otherwise identical companies in the same industry, East Co. and West Co., have dividend payouts of 20% and 40%, respectively. Looking forward one year, which outcomes are least likely?

I. East Co. requires debt financing.
II. West Co. increases its dividend payout.
III. West Co.'s share price is twice that of East Co.
IV. East Co. repurchases outstanding shares.

A. I and II
B. II and IV
C. I, II and III
D. II, III and IV

Reference no: EM13856190

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