Reference no: EM133376453
In what type of family structure did you grow up? It might be that the structure of your family changed over time. If so, what were these changes? What do you most remember about growing up in your family? What were some of the most important values? What most stands out for you about your family life? In what ways do you think these experiences have a continuing influence on the person you are today?
. What is your current family structure? Are you still primarily involved in your family of origin? If your current family is different, what roles do you play that you also enacted in your original family?
Have you carried certain patterns from your original family to your current family? How do you see yourself as being different in the two families?
• Draw a genogram of your family of origin. Include all the members of your family, and identify significant alliances among the various members. Identify the relationship you had as a child with each person and your relationship with each member now.
. Make a list of the siblings from oldest to youngest. Give a brief description of each (including yourself). What most stands out for each sibling? Which siblings) is (are) most different from you, and how? Which is most like you, and how?
Review some key dimensions of your experiences as a child growing up in your family. How would you describe yourself as a child? What were some of your major fears? Hopes? Ambitions? What was school like for you? What was your role in your peer group? Were there any significant events in your physical, sexual, and social development during childhood?
Identify one of your personal problems. How do you think your relationship with your family has contributed to the development and perpetuation of this problem? Besides blaming your family for this problem, what options are open to you for making substantial changes in yourself? What are a few ways you can be different in your family?
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