What is your assessment of the financial viability

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM132220422

Case Studies

Case 1: Orchid species preservation foundation: Choosing a direction (Product Number 9B17M055)
(This Case Study will be over Units 2 & 3)

1. Review the organization's vision statement. How effective will this vision be as the organization moves into the future? What might need to change, if anything?

2. Do a PEST analysis of the organization's external world. What factors might support of undermine the organization's success?

3. Is Porter's Five Forces an appropriate strategic analysis tool for this case study? Why or why not?

4. Develop a list of criteria that would help OSPF to narrow down its pool of choices. What would be the best options for this organization to take to the next level of development (including options not yet considered by the organization)? Why?

Case 2: Prince Edward Island Preserve Company: Turnaround (Product Number 9B08M049)

(This Case Study will be over Units 4 & 5)

1. Why did Prince Edward Island Preserves go into receivership in 20087?

2. What is your assessment of the financial viability of each option of PEI Preserves (i.e retail, mail order, wholesale, Japanese export, café and gardens)?

3. What is your assessment of the pros and cons of MacNaughton's growth alternatives -what product market would you choose to pursue and why? What, is any, role should the organic product line play in the company's overall strategy?

4. Develop an implementation plans for your chosen alternative.

Case 3: Developing an International Growth Strategy at New York Fries (Product Number 9B11M082)
(This Case Study will be over Units 7 & 8)

1. What were NYF's motives for internationalizing?

2. What modes of entry did NYF use in its internationalization up to 2008? Why?

3. What do you think were the key lessons from NYF's expansion into Australia and South Korea?

4. How can Gould and Price pursue new international opportunities while maintaining their premium brand? What options are available? What would you recommend?

Case 4: Flip Factory (Product Number 9B16M071) (This Case Study will be over Units 9 & 10)

1. What is Flip Factory's competitive strategy?

2. Assess Flip Factory's financial performance. Does the current strategy and growth pattern seem sound?

3. What are Flip Factory's strengths and weaknesses?

4. Analyze Flip Factory's external environment. What factors are critical to consider for the future strategic positioning of Flip Factory?

5. What are Flip Factory's options for moving forward and what strategy would you recommend to Traviss? What metrics would you include to monitor the strategy?

Verified Expert

OSPF is the organization that works to save the endangered orchid species from getting on the verge of the extinction.The organization took up some measures to do save the orchid species.The organization has some visions, if it follows or not, effectiveness, analysis of the external factors, strategic analysis tool, list of criteria to help OSPF to narrow its choices.

Reference no: EM132220422

Questions Cloud

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Contributing to organisational plans : What are two ways that the system could not be contributing to organisational plans?
What is your assessment of the financial viability : How effective will this vision be as the organization moves into the future? What might need to change, if anything - Why did Prince Edward Island Preserves
Describe three characteristics that indicate collaborative : Identify and describe three characteristics that indicate collaborative success. Assess and discuss how you can measure those characteristics.
Prepare journal entries and ledger accounts : Prepare Journal entries and ledger accounts ("T" - Accounts) for the following activities, allocations of profit/loss
What is the difference between a small business owner : What is the difference between a small business owner and an entrepreneur and Which are you or do you aspire to be?
Dimension of intellectual? ability : Which of the following is NOT a dimension of intellectual? ability? Minzberg's managerial roles include all of the following EXCEPT? ___________.


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