Reference no: EM131840673
Complete the "worksheet" while viewing youtube film: "Guns Germs and Steel - Out of Eden - 1/3 HD"
Answer the following questions:
1.) According to evidence in the archaeological record, when did humans first start domesticating plants and animals? Hint: There may be a different answer for plants and animals
2.) According to evidence in the archaeological records, where did agriculture first emerge?
3.) Discuss at least three positive consequences of the shift to agriculture.
4.) Discuss at least three negative consequences of the shift to agriculture.
5.) Discuss your thought's on Jared Diamond's Guns Germs and Steel. How does Jared Diamond answer the question: "Why do you white men have so much cargo and us New Guineans so little?" Diamond is essentially attempting to answer one of the oldest questions: When, where and why did inequality among human groups emerge? Do you agree with Jared Diamond's explanation on the origins of inequality? Why or why not?
Make sure that your reponses are organized into complete sentences. You should exercise college-level writting skills with correct spelling, grammar and punctuation. You should include reference to at least 2-3 academic resources throughout your discussion post response. Approved academic sources include the Larsen textbook, PowerPoint slides, academic journal articles from the library databases (not from google searchs), approved films and film clips. Please note that Wikipedia and other internet sources are NOT approved academic sources. You should include properly formatted intext citations whenevever referencing a source. The Owl Purdue site is a very useful site when learning to properly cite your sources. Just google Owl Purdue and it will come up.
APA format = (last name of the author(s) year of publication) Ex. (Larsen 2017)
MLA format = (last name of the author(s) page number) Ex. (Larsen 304)
National Geographic: Guns, Germs and Steel
Directions: Please answer the following questions to the best of your ability while viewing the National Geographic film Guns, Germs and Steel: Out of Eden. After the film, you will break into small groups to answer several discussion questions. Please make sure that your phones are completely put away and you are giving your undivided attention to the film material.
1. Where did Jared Diamond begin his quest to uncover the origins of inequality?
2. At what local university does Jared Diamond teach? What subject does he teach?
3. How long have people been living in the highlands of Papa New Guinea?
4. What is Yali's big question for Jared Diamond?
5. What is cargo? What does it represent for Yali?
6. What do all great societies have in common?
7. What is Jared Diamond's research question (what does he want to understand)?
8. What climatic change occurred at approximately 13,000 yBP?
9. Where do we first see the adoption of basic plant and animal domestication?
10. What skills are required to be a successful hunter?
11. What are some of the problems with relying strictly on hunting?
12. Do traditional societies typically rely more heavily on hunting or gathering?
13. What is the problem with relying on just gathering food for survival?
14. Describe happened to the world's climate about 12,500 yBP:
15. How are people starting to control nature during this time (Agricultural Revolution)?
16. How long have people been farming in Papa New Guinea?
17. What is the problem with sago in comparison to wheat or barley?
18. What type of nutritional deficiencies did Papa New Guineans suffer?
19. What does it all seem to boil down to, according to Jared Diamond?
20. Describe the benefits of animal domestication:
21. Describe how domesticated plants/animals have a mutually beneficial relationship:
22. Describe the factors that make animals suitable for domestication:
23. How many animal species have been successfully domesticated by humans?
24. Where do these easily domesticated animals live?
25. According to Jared Diamond's theory, the people of the Fertile Crescent were:
26. According to Jared Diamond's theory, why didn't the people of highland Papa New Guinea advance?
27. Why couldn't the Fertile Crescent continue to support intensive farming?
Discussion Questions: Break into small groups of 2-3 students and answer these questions after the film. Please work with someone that you have not worked with before.
1.) Do you personally agree with Jared Diamond's theory on the origins of inequality? Please briefly discuss. Did inequalities among human society initially emerge due to environmental and geographical circumstances?
Summarize your groups' discussion on if you agree or disagree with Jared Diamond's theory.