What is white collar crime

Assignment Help Business Law and Ethics
Reference no: EM131325907

1. What is white collar crime? How is it different from conventional crime? How is the term "trusted criminals" relevant to white collar crime? What are the characteristics of people who commit white collar crime? What are the characteristics of people who commit conventional street crimes?  Are they the same or different? Why do people commit white collar crime?

2. How does white collar crime affect society?  Who are the victims of white collar crime? How do we measure the cost of white collar crime versus conventional crime? Why is it difficult to determine the cost of white collar crime?

3. Why do white collar criminals often get lighter sentences than conventional criminals? Why do white collar offenders try to hide their transgressions? What are white collar criminals most afraid of? What role does deterrence play in white collar crime sentencing. Why do some white collar cases result in a prison sentence and some only in restitution?

4. Is local law enforcement less likely or more likely to investigate white collar crime than larger law enforcement agencies?  Why or why not?

5. What is the difference between an informant and a whistleblower? Why would a person who has knowledge of wrongdoing not come forward?  What motivates a person to come forward?  What policy measures have been established to encourage a person to come forward?  Give 2 examples of whistleblower cases that involve or occurred in the United States in the past 10 years. What information did the whistleblower convey? Why was the information important and to whom?

6. What is asset forfeiture? What role does it play in fighting white collar crime?

Reference no: EM131325907

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