Reference no: EM133090445
Q-1) Briefly describe what are the vision statement, mission statement, objective, and strategy of an organization
Q-2) Briefly Describe the four aspect of CSR with example 1- Sustainability2- Accountability3- Responsibility4- Social Contract
Q-3) You are a major stakeholder in a large company. Identify five (5) measures you will take in relation to environmental concerns and corporate sustainability.
Q-4) What is Whistle Blowing? Identify three (3) ways by which an organization can prevent itself from going to the extent of whistle blowing?
Q-5) A corporate body is made up of varying categories of personnel, operating at various levels with different responsibilities and rights. Describe six (6) points you will take into consideration while drafting the code of ethics to be implemented in your organisation.
Q-6) Describe briefly what is meant by Corporate Sustainability.
Q-7) What is Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and why is it important?
Q-8) Briefly describe three (3) ways how CSR is being applied in corporate bodies in Pakistan
Q-9 Case Study:
A multinational pharmaceutical corporation encourages result oriented culture. The new Joinees/employees of this performance based culture have become the whistle blowers. They found out the product management and the sales team seniors were involved in unethical and illegal practices to meet the highly competitive sales target.
a) What measure will you undertake to improve the ethical conduct of the business?b) 'Profit making an ethical dilemma' in a business justify?
Q-10) Briefly describe the different leadership styles with example and which leadership style suits in which condition.